Manly Sea Eagles: Does the club need to relocate?

It’s great to have @Mrs D and in turn the great Max Delmege on our forum.

I invited Sam to join by honedtly wasn’t sure she would.

Great to get another inside perspective AND also let’s face it for us Manly fans Max is a living legend , without him I’m not sure who or even if we’d be supporting these days.

I know for me if they were to fold I’d be done, there’s no way in hell I’d suddenly become a Donkey ( that’s our terminology for a Bronco , Sam).
Without him, we'd be gone for sure.
Come back to us @Mrs D and Max.
Come back Max. We love ya!!! In the top 3 days of my life was the 2008 GF and you gave me that and for that I will be forever grateful to you and your family! Thank you. The club is a shambles and is only Manly in name every single other aspect of the Manly culture that we all know and love has been destroyed by the Penns.
Very well said Mrs D.
OK. We know the history. We all want the club to be great again. We must move on.
Realistically, how can individual supporters like me help?
I really despise reading lies:

This is what I have to say to the current management:

What an absolute load of dribble Did I just read!

It’s a way of saying they want to move! Do they honestly believe they will get more support if they move from Brooky oval? They have wanted to move for a long time. To benefit themselves of course.

The Penns only put money in knowing they are sitting on a gold mine with the sale of the leagues club land- hence why the fans hate them!

Let’s not forget the time Zorba called the fans dummies and cowards- yet wants the fans to support him and his family. Hmm go figure!

The Penns don’t care about the club. They never saved the club. Where were they on the 19th June 2002 when they were also approached to save the club? Nowhere! They didn’t put money in. Delmege saved Manly many times and with over $15 million pumped into them.

The club is failing because they don’t care from the management down. The Penns have no passion for the club only what money they can make from them.

They keep a coach who is
Clearly not performing on the field and got rid of a coach who was the passion and backbone behind Manly.

They have taken away the culture of the club and let it become a toxic environment.

Some Players have no respect for people who mentor them and this vibe is being given off every weekend.

Manly were getting flogged one year several weeks in a row and Max wrote the players a letter each of why they should win. That week against St George they went on to win 13+. I think it’s funny how Max can help a club perform better by writing a personal letter to all players. That would never be done now.

Max also was asked numerous times to rev the players up and this created a solid foundation and respect from all involved in the club from the owner, to the players, the coach and even the ground announcer which in turn created an environment everyone was happy to be involved in.

That environment no longer exists at Brookvale.

The Penn’s and Peters are responsible for causing this clubs demise.

They got rid of a premiership winning coach, a premiership winning assistant coach, a pumped up ground announcer, the Eagles angels and all the other entities that made Manly successful in the 2002-2010 period.

Let’s put a fact straight. Zorba has mentioned that Penn’s were in charge from 2007. That is a downright lie in 2007 Delmege was co-owner as well as major sponsor and had a much larger input then the Penn’s who just sat in corporate boxes waffling on about the amount of money they had.

Max doesn’t want any fan fare about his involvement all he wants is the truth to be known and gets very annoyed when Zorbas mates at the Telegraph write so much rubbish and down right lies that they know are not the true facts.

Max’s involvement with the club was brought about by his respect for the passionate supporters who deserve respect, a winning team and ultimately the jubilence of another grand final win. I honestly believe this will not be the case for a long time!

Relocating is not the problem! Look within the club and what is happening and then the fans will again enjoy attending the games. This is just another way for them to make money by relocating. Yet, i reiterate they want respect? What a joke.

Peters was instrumental in the demise of that club by leaking stories to the media which clearly he is still doing! I guess nothing changes with him. A disease within a club they just can’t rid of.

One of my favourite posts ever on this forum right here. And I've been browsing since 2005, and signed up since 09
I really despise reading lies:

This is what I have to say to the current management:

What an absolute load of dribble Did I just read!

It’s a way of saying they want to move! Do they honestly believe they will get more support if they move from Brooky oval? They have wanted to move for a long time. To benefit themselves of course.

The Penns only put money in knowing they are sitting on a gold mine with the sale of the leagues club land- hence why the fans hate them!

Let’s not forget the time Zorba called the fans dummies and cowards- yet wants the fans to support him and his family. Hmm go figure!

The Penns don’t care about the club. They never saved the club. Where were they on the 19th June 2002 when they were also approached to save the club? Nowhere! They didn’t put money in. Delmege saved Manly many times and with over $15 million pumped into them.

The club is failing because they don’t care from the management down. The Penns have no passion for the club only what money they can make from them.

They keep a coach who is
Clearly not performing on the field and got rid of a coach who was the passion and backbone behind Manly.

They have taken away the culture of the club and let it become a toxic environment.

Some Players have no respect for people who mentor them and this vibe is being given off every weekend.

Manly were getting flogged one year several weeks in a row and Max wrote the players a letter each of why they should win. That week against St George they went on to win 13+. I think it’s funny how Max can help a club perform better by writing a personal letter to all players. That would never be done now.

Max also was asked numerous times to rev the players up and this created a solid foundation and respect from all involved in the club from the owner, to the players, the coach and even the ground announcer which in turn created an environment everyone was happy to be involved in.

That environment no longer exists at Brookvale.

The Penn’s and Peters are responsible for causing this clubs demise.

They got rid of a premiership winning coach, a premiership winning assistant coach, a pumped up ground announcer, the Eagles angels and all the other entities that made Manly successful in the 2002-2010 period.

Let’s put a fact straight. Zorba has mentioned that Penn’s were in charge from 2007. That is a downright lie in 2007 Delmege was co-owner as well as major sponsor and had a much larger input then the Penn’s who just sat in corporate boxes waffling on about the amount of money they had.

Max doesn’t want any fan fare about his involvement all he wants is the truth to be known and gets very annoyed when Zorbas mates at the Telegraph write so much rubbish and down right lies that they know are not the true facts.

Max’s involvement with the club was brought about by his respect for the passionate supporters who deserve respect, a winning team and ultimately the jubilence of another grand final win. I honestly believe this will not be the case for a long time!

Relocating is not the problem! Look within the club and what is happening and then the fans will again enjoy attending the games. This is just another way for them to make money by relocating. Yet, i reiterate they want respect? What a joke.

Peters was instrumental in the demise of that club by leaking stories to the media which clearly he is still doing! I guess nothing changes with him. A disease within a club they just can’t rid of.
Thank you for writing this as it supports what most fans think

Sadly it only confirms that the club will not improve while the Penns own it
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Samantha Delmege;

“I really despise reading lies:

This is what I have to say to the current management:

What an absolute load of dribble Did I just read!

It’s a way of saying they want to move! Do they honestly believe they will get more support if they move from Brooky oval? They have wanted to move for a long time. To benefit themselves of course.

The Penns only put money in knowing they are sitting on a gold mine with the sale of the leagues club land- hence why the fans hate them!

Let’s not forget the time Zorba called the fans dummies and cowards- yet wants the fans to support him and his family. Hmm go figure!

The Penns don’t care about the club. They never saved the club. Where were they on the 19th June 2002 when they were also approached to save the club? Nowhere! They didn’t put money in. Delmege saved Manly many times and with over $15 million pumped into them.

The club is failing because they don’t care from the management down. The Penns have no passion for the club only what money they can make from them.

They keep a coach who is
Clearly not performing on the field and got rid of a coach who was the passion and backbone behind Manly.

They have taken away the culture of the club and let it become a toxic environment.

Some Players have no respect for people who mentor them and this vibe is being given off every weekend.

Manly were getting flogged one year several weeks in a row and Max wrote the players a letter each of why they should win. That week against St George they went on to win 13+. I think it’s funny how Max can help a club perform better by writing a personal letter to all players. That would never be done now.

Max also was asked numerous times to rev the players up and this created a solid foundation and respect from all involved in the club from the owner, to the players, the coach and even the ground announcer which in turn created an environment everyone was happy to be involved in.

That environment no longer exists at Brookvale.

The Penn’s and Peters are responsible for causing this clubs demise.

They got rid of a premiership winning coach, a premiership winning assistant coach, a pumped up ground announcer, the Eagles angels and all the other entities that made Manly successful in the 2002-2010 period.

Let’s put a fact straight. Zorba has mentioned that Penn’s were in charge from 2007. That is a downright lie in 2007 Delmege was co-owner as well as major sponsor and had a much larger input then the Penn’s who just sat in corporate boxes waffling on about the amount of money they had.

Max doesn’t want any fan fare about his involvement all he wants is the truth to be known and gets very annoyed when Zorbas mates at the Telegraph write so much rubbish and down right lies that they know are not the true facts.

Max’s involvement with the club was brought about by his respect for the passionate supporters who deserve respect, a winning team and ultimately the jubilence of another grand final win. I honestly believe this will not be the case for a long time!

Relocating is not the problem! Look within the club and what is happening and then the fans will again enjoy attending the games. This is just another way for them to make money by relocating. Yet, i reiterate they want respect? What a joke.

Peters was instrumental in the demise of that club by leaking stories to the media which clearly he is still doing! I guess nothing changes with him. A disease within a club they just can’t rid of.”
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I certainly didn’t need this post to know what is going on with our club, but it adds great insight and context into the **** guiding our club. Not sure how many have read the stories about people or organizations that buy an entity only to load a Business with debt and strip it as a tax deduction to leave an empty shell that they simply close down. It’s a common practice and I sense this is what these arseholes are doing (read the story of Ansett for reference). This stinks!

Not sure if the Demelge family want to sink another few millions in and the fans band together to throw in the rest, but I would be happy to throw $1k in, and between all the supporters we could probably raise enough to buy back the club and regain control. Anyone have a direct line to the Demelge family? @niccipops raised this before and I would be happy to step up and get this moving. How about everyone else on Silvertails and beyond?

The world is full of great revolutions...let’s start one right now.
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Hey, why can't the Penn's sell the licence to someone who cares and rebuild the oval somewhere, and then let the Penn's keep the club and build whatever and go on their merry way, that would be a win - win?

Then bring Max back as Board Member as Chairman with the backing of our new Arab friends.
Best post in a long while on here
Welcome Mrs D ,Max is never forgotten here.

I really despise reading lies:

This is what I have to say to the current management:

What an absolute load of dribble Did I just read!

It’s a way of saying they want to move! Do they honestly believe they will get more support if they move from Brooky oval? They have wanted to move for a long time. To benefit themselves of course.

The Penns only put money in knowing they are sitting on a gold mine with the sale of the leagues club land- hence why the fans hate them!

Let’s not forget the time Zorba called the fans dummies and cowards- yet wants the fans to support him and his family. Hmm go figure!

The Penns don’t care about the club. They never saved the club. Where were they on the 19th June 2002 when they were also approached to save the club? Nowhere! They didn’t put money in. Delmege saved Manly many times and with over $15 million pumped into them.

The club is failing because they don’t care from the management down. The Penns have no passion for the club only what money they can make from them.

They keep a coach who is
Clearly not performing on the field and got rid of a coach who was the passion and backbone behind Manly.

They have taken away the culture of the club and let it become a toxic environment.

Some Players have no respect for people who mentor them and this vibe is being given off every weekend.

Manly were getting flogged one year several weeks in a row and Max wrote the players a letter each of why they should win. That week against St George they went on to win 13+. I think it’s funny how Max can help a club perform better by writing a personal letter to all players. That would never be done now.

Max also was asked numerous times to rev the players up and this created a solid foundation and respect from all involved in the club from the owner, to the players, the coach and even the ground announcer which in turn created an environment everyone was happy to be involved in.

That environment no longer exists at Brookvale.

The Penn’s and Peters are responsible for causing this clubs demise.

They got rid of a premiership winning coach, a premiership winning assistant coach, a pumped up ground announcer, the Eagles angels and all the other entities that made Manly successful in the 2002-2010 period.

Let’s put a fact straight. Zorba has mentioned that Penn’s were in charge from 2007. That is a downright lie in 2007 Delmege was co-owner as well as major sponsor and had a much larger input then the Penn’s who just sat in corporate boxes waffling on about the amount of money they had.

Max doesn’t want any fan fare about his involvement all he wants is the truth to be known and gets very annoyed when Zorbas mates at the Telegraph write so much rubbish and down right lies that they know are not the true facts.

Max’s involvement with the club was brought about by his respect for the passionate supporters who deserve respect, a winning team and ultimately the jubilence of another grand final win. I honestly believe this will not be the case for a long time!

Relocating is not the problem! Look within the club and what is happening and then the fans will again enjoy attending the games. This is just another way for them to make money by relocating. Yet, i reiterate they want respect? What a joke.

Peters was instrumental in the demise of that club by leaking stories to the media which clearly he is still doing! I guess nothing changes with him. A disease within a club they just can’t rid of.

BEST EVER first post. Please feel free to write weekly Mrs D, you are already with a legend of the club, now you are one to!
Hey, why can't the Penn's sell the licence to someone who cares and rebuild the oval somewhere, and then let the Penn's keep the club and build whatever and go on their merry way, that would be a win - win?

Then bring Max back as Board Member as Chairman with the backing of our new Arab friends.
I don't like knocking fellow Manly fans, but I cant farking believe this.
To start with, no one is going to build us a new stadium without help from the three levels of government, apart from the $hit in the Daily Telegraph no one wants to buy our club, apart perhaps The Bears, and then they would want it for peanuts.
I'll tell you something now, it will be a sad day when the Penns want nothing to do with our club anymore, because finding someone else to kick in for our losses every year will be extremely difficult and probably the end of our team.
Changing owners won't change the way they've playing
Who here would still support the club if relocated and if it was, as one of the most disliked clubs would it even take off.. Maybe we are best off where we are.
The penns have taken away the leagues club land that belonged to the members.
the club now has nothing and the Penns have $40m in the bank.
Probably the greatest robbery of all
I don't like knocking fellow Manly fans, but I cant farking believe this.
To start with, no one is going to build us a new stadium without help from the three levels of government, apart from the $hit in the Daily Telegraph no one wants to buy our club, apart perhaps The Bears, and then they would want it for peanuts.
I'll tell you something now, it will be a sad day when the Penns want nothing to do with our club anymore, because finding someone else to kick in for our losses every year will be extremely difficult and probably the end of our team.
Changing owners won't change the way they've playing
Bottom line [ and pardon the pun ] but that is the main and important reality , even with the standard 13 mil N R l club grants from next season , still having to provide the fiance and money to make up the shortfall to the 20 - 22 mil per season [ as is the case now \ to adequately fund a N R l operating franchise . And that for almost all N R l clubs, is not just for one season but consecutive and ongoing seasons .That is what the Penns are and have been prepared to contribute and cater for and unless some other credible and credentialed individuals or entity can definitely or is prepared to make a similar commitment , i am not too sure what a better alternative is at the present time .[ even allowing for a perceived less then ideal environment at club level at the moment ] Also when the team made the semi"s last season the Penns had their similar current control , so can not see how the relevance for this seasons poor results can be attributed to them .
I don't like knocking fellow Manly fans, but I cant farking believe this.
To start with, no one is going to build us a new stadium without help from the three levels of government, apart from the $hit in the Daily Telegraph no one wants to buy our club, apart perhaps The Bears, and then they would want it for peanuts.
I'll tell you something now, it will be a sad day when the Penns want nothing to do with our club anymore, because finding someone else to kick in for our losses every year will be extremely difficult and probably the end of our team.
Changing owners won't change the way they've playing

With all respect Peter, Yes you are right in that footballers play football and yes we are not playing good enough. For one second do you really don't think that more people would turn up if the ground was better? If the management team kept the supporters informed instead of silence and disenchanting them? If the football club kept to the tradition of the club? If the owners actually listened to the CEO's and Coaches rather than (if they didn't like what they were being told) sack them.

BTW you can knock me as much as you want mate but seriously if those don't change, then the we don't give a f#$k attitude will continue onto the players, as is the case. If the club gave a wally then the players would too.

My concern is that football may not be the prime concern for the Penn's, my personal experience is that any discussions with them directly was not of people people, but of arrogance and I don't give a sh*t what you think attitude, but that me. Always wondered if there was a hidden agenda and with Mrs D comments that does make sense.

I don't want to be involved under a Bears thing, but the Qatar Air proposal was interesting as money into the club for redevelopment and player retention point of view.
I don't want to be involved under a Bears thing, but the Qatar Air proposal was interesting as money into the club for redevelopment and player retention point of view.

What did they want to redevelop though. It can't be Brookvale, so must be the club. Is it just about the land. How could they get involved with player retention without it being some sort of third party that we are being hung out to dry for atm. Sorry, just seemed so many buyers around at one time who have all gone silent, that I can't get my head around the whole situation..
Hey, why can't the Penn's sell the licence to someone who cares and rebuild the oval somewhere, and then let the Penn's keep the club and build whatever and go on their merry way, that would be a win - win?

Then bring Max back as Board Member as Chairman with the backing of our new Arab friends.
Because they don't appear to be the nicest of people.

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