I was thinking about this the other day.
Has anyone besides you mentioned this place as a good place to build a stadium? It's starting to sound ok, putting your 'close to home' jokes aside.
Now, I'm not a Brookie faithful (I think I've been there, er, once) and I'm not spending too much time typing this so maybe the expression will be lost to brevity but:
At the moment, fans don't even get the fun of having final games played at home (the only team that doesn't). (point about current ladder position noted).
Sometimes the battering gets too much. wouldn't it be nice to have a decent stadium, still on the north side, can play finals there, good facilities, good food and drink, decent change rooms, parking, and a stadium that is part of the state govt trust thing and not a constant battle with small minded councillors who charge a motza just to use the current ground?
Obviously some beautiful and tremendous history is at Brookie, but it is just that, history. Kids, both future players and fans that are 5 at the moment may not care as much?
I dunno, sometimes I stand firm in the Brookie forever camp, and other times I'm like 'can we just get a great new stadium somewhere else?'
Answers on a postcard...