[Resurrected] Lol @ Parra

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First Grader
The 1eyeed eel forum is going nuts at the moment with rumours

So far

Norman - panthers/dogs
Peats - Titans
Semi - Titans
Junior - early to raiders
Toutai - Melbourne
Mauu to knights

Suck **** dickhead club

One of the more respected posters said this though which is probably on the mark
"reported here a month ago that Corey had been laughing about our club to people behind the scenes and i was told he's not committed to us at all, his managers been shopping him around hard and all Coreys talk about how much this is his home is nothing more than talk, i'll be very interested to see what unfolds here to see if Corey is a bloke of his word or just another bloke thats full of ****.

Corey is not our only big star who is completely uncommitted to the cause but has been stating the opposite."

Just keeps getting better. The place will implode of the NRL don't allow Watmough's salary to be outside the cap if he retires injured


Journey Man

Parramatta Eels director Paul Garrard slams NRL, confirms club push to retire Anthony Watmough

  • 3 hours ago
  • Source: AAP

A PARRAMATTA director has slammed the NRL’s handling of the club’s salary cap scandal, while confirming Anthony Watmough holds the key to the club’s compliance in time for the Eels to play for points against the Rabbitohs next Friday.

Parramatta’s Lord Mayor, Paul Garrard, who is one of the Eels directors who has not been handed a show cause notice, has broken the board’s silence on the rort, lashing out at the NRL’s handling of the case.

“What is the system? I haven’t seen any system there,” Garrard told the Parramatta Sun.

“The way they’ve handled it is a kick in the guts to the fans, the players and the sponsors.”

Garrard accused previous administrators of creating the salary cap mess, arguing the current directors were “very conscious of the salary cap”.

“Ironically it was people who disgraced the club in their time here who have given evidence (to the NRL).

“The people involved in this nonsense are clearly not with the club anymore, and they’ve got a lot to answer for.”

The director also confirmed the club was attempting to push for the retirement of injured veteran Watmough in an effort to get under the cap.

“A dialogue will be created between the NRL (and the club) — and it will need to happen smartly — to enable the Anthony Watmough issue and the salary cap issue to be addressed prior to tomorrow week and to get that team on the field,” he said.

Garrard, who joined the remainder of chairman Peter Sharp’s board last year, also said the injunction successfully sought by Sharp and four fellow officials against the NRL was vital to the organisation of the club.

“The board was left exposed. We have 100 employees needing direction every day,” Garrard said.

“This will give us time to get appropriate personnel in to run the club, get a team on the field, and analyse the documents provided to us.”


Sea Eagle Lach
Premium Member
Tipping Member
I still can't believe that a team cheating the cap for 6 years are allowed to even have the slightest chance of being allowed to make the finals. Let alone the NRL actively helping them to achieve their goal to play for points.
As Todd has stated, 'Cheating the salary cap is an attack on the fundamental integrity of the competition'.

Get it? 'Integrity of the competition'. Lol

One team cities with $2.4mil in 3rd party sponsors... 5 day turnarounds for some but not for all, some teams have to play top 8 teams twice, while others don't...and as we all know, the inequities don't end there.

Very little integrity visible in the 2016 version of NRL.
I mean, Todd ' Mr Smoke and Mirrors Media Spin' Greenberg is CEO for heavens sake. What did we think would happen? It is totally consistent that they would make a marketing promotion out of the Eels' gross dishonesty.

That my friend, is the best post in 97 pages.
Oh. You must have me blocked. ;)


Journey Man
Makes it sound like he is a burden rather than the potential saving grace

Bought for his mental edge

NRL 2015: Anthony Watmough to bring Parramatta strong mental edge
January 24, 2015 5:21pm
James HooperThe Daily Telegraph
ANTHONY Watmough calls it his ‘Popeye’ arm.

The divot where the left bicep tore off the bone during last year’s State of Origin series and has now completely vanished.

“About three inches missing,” Watmough explained.

And therein sits the primary reason why Brad Arthur fought tooth and nail to get this Manly Sea Eagles life member to switch clubs and spearhead a cultural change at Parramatta.

When it comes to sacrifice, energy, effort and experience, Watmough is the hard edge the Eels were missing come the final rounds of last season.

Officially signed to a four-year contract on October 30 last year, the first thing Arthur and the Eels medical staff instructed ‘Choc’ was to cease running for the entire off season and get his busted knee fixed.

“I probably haven’t been able to run at my best for two, going on three years,” Watmough said.

“I had a niggling knee injury I couldn’t get right so when I got to the Eels they said ‘right, no running, we’ve got to get this fixed.

“But I said no. I knew Brad had brought me out here for a reason and I wanted to show the young guys that I was prepared to practice what I preach.

“If I’m going to be hard on them I needed to be hard on myself.

“I said why don’t we leave it until next year and then try and sort it out then.”

So Watmough and the Eels devised a daily ‘prehab’ routine that sees him leaving the northern beaches at 6am every morning before checking in for an hour on the physio table at Parramatta prior to training.

He even wore a wedge in one of his boots for a while.

“I gave him the option to have a rest and get himself right but I knew what path he’d go down,” Arthur said.

“I knew he’d want to lead. He’s the first one out here every day getting his treatment and he has not missed a session.

The NRL recognised the value in Watmough’s signature at the Eels, scheduling the Sea Eagles in for what is guaranteed to be a sold-out Pirtek Stadium come round one.

When it comes to bitter splits, Watmough’s departure from Manly got ugly as the internal divide between senior players and others at the club was laid bare.

“It will be mixed emotions I suppose. It’s tough the way some of us had to leave but good to get a crack at getting it out of the way early,” Watmough said.

“It will be weird at the same time. Manly just wasn’t home for me anymore, a lot of things had changed and it was time for me to move on.

“To have the role that I have at the Eels where I’m trying to set an example, it’s given me a whole new lease on life.

“I don’t believe I’m a tough footballer in any way but Brad told me he wanted me at Parramatta to help toughen the boys up mentally.

“To have someone believe in you that much it was a pretty easy decision in the end.

“Do I stay and be miserable or do I go and play for someone who I really respect and admire.

“It’s very early days, but we want to try and help build on the Eels culture and try and build a bit of a dynasty.”

The million-dollar question Eels fans want answered is can Choc convince his great mate Kieran Foran to follow him to playing in western Sydney?

“Fozza keeps his cards pretty close to his chest, I haven’t been able to get anything out of him,” Watmough joked.

“I think he’s told four of the boys four different stories.”

And there it is again.

The quick one-line banter that can help bring a team closer together.

Make no mistake, Anthony Watmough can do for Parramatta what Ben Kennedy did for Manly in 2005.

Mark from Brisbane

“ Boomer still Booming”
Premium Member
Tipping Member
I can't be bothered reading other forums , but I'd suggest it might be fun on this occasion.

As Todd has stated, 'Cheating the salary cap is an attack on the fundamental integrity of the competition'.

Get it? 'Integrity of the competition'. Lol

One team cities with $2.4mil in 3rd party sponsors... 5 day turnarounds for some but not for all, some teams have to play top 8 teams twice, while others don't...and as we all know, the inequities don't end there.

Very little integrity visible in the 2016 version of NRL.
I mean, Todd ' Mr Smoke and Mirrors Media Spin' Greenberg is CEO for heavens sake. What did we think would happen? It is totally consistent that they would make a marketing promotion out of the Eels' gross dishonesty.

Oh. You must have me blocked. ;)

Nope, I only block Trolls!!
Last edited:


Sea Eagle Lach
Premium Member
Tipping Member
Well said @SeaEagleRock8. Weak decision by Greenslime. It sh#ts me to no end knowing mathematically the slime can still play finals for 6 years of cheating. Where is the integrity in that?
I agree with you, and many others here and elsewhere in rugby league land: This was a decision based not on any principle, but purely on public relations and marketing strategy.


Sea Eagle Lach
Premium Member
Tipping Member
And it was quite clever from that point of view.
But only at the expense of treating the wider rugby league fan base as simpletons. He's got away with it before, he is bunging it on again.

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