[Resurrected] Lol @ Parra

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01100111 01100101
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Certainly don't mean this to be a lol @ parra comment as it is an injury but didn't want to start a new thread....


Meanwhile, Parramatta’s pain this season continues to grow with news co-captain Beau Scott has suffered a season-ending knee injury.

The Eels released a statement after Scott went off injured on Friday stating; “scans determined that Beau suffered a ruptured Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) to the left knee in the second half.”


Certainly don't mean this to be a lol @ parra comment as it is an injury but didn't want to start a new thread....


Meanwhile, Parramatta’s pain this season continues to grow with news co-captain Beau Scott has suffered a season-ending knee injury.

The Eels released a statement after Scott went off injured on Friday stating; “scans determined that Beau suffered a ruptured Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) to the left knee in the second half.”

Is it the same knee he injured when he ended Watmough’s career by running into him at training? Waaaaiiit a minute, I smell a rat...

Harvies elbow

I'm a country member....... " Yes we remember "
2017 Tipping Competitor
Certainly don't mean this to be a lol @ parra comment as it is an injury but didn't want to start a new thread....


Meanwhile, Parramatta’s pain this season continues to grow with news co-captain Beau Scott has suffered a season-ending knee injury.

The Eels released a statement after Scott went off injured on Friday stating; “scans determined that Beau suffered a ruptured Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) to the left knee in the second half.”
The man Queen Arthur said was going to protect the myth that is Moses.....
Good call braaaad.


Journey Man
Andrew Voss is giving to them,and reckons they are exploiting the HIA concussion rule,its on the Foxsports web page

They've been the worst at doing that since the HIA came in. How many times do we see a Doesn't-matta player clutching at an ankle, knee, wrist, elbow, ribs, yet he goes off for a HIA? Or a player needs a rest and its getting close to half time, off he goes for a HIA even if he wasn't involved in any play that would require a HIA (a-la Moeroa a couple of weeks ago).

The fact that the NRL haven't seen that its being exploited big time by the Eels is a joke. But then, this is the NRL we're talking about isn't it.....

I'd like to see a list of how many times each club has used the HIA. I know we don't use it all that much, not compared to some anyway.


Journey Man
Either way Parra will claim a medical retirement, g'burg will approve, cap relief awaits.

All the while we're forced to have a 29 player squad to include someone and his salary despite the fact that he hasn't even been at the club for close on 12 months now and has officially announced his retirement.

And don't get me started on being forced to have Snake and Skivy on the roster last year because the NRL wouldn't allow their medical retirement.


01100111 01100101
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Funny how the Tits aren't forced to have BJ as part of their squad despite the fact that he signed a contract to play for them before he announced his retirement.

What is the difference between BJ's case and ours with Nate Myles?

I thought it was:

BJ - My neck is busted, I shall retire and won't demand any money.
Myles - No one wants to pick me as a player, but I want the money you agreed to pay me in my contract.


Feast yer eyes ..
Tipping Member
No, he was on a big contract when all of the fake invoices to various businesses were factored in to his contract. He’s actually taking a pay cut to return.

$750k a year for a front rower .... the dahlia must be really banking on the cap increasing every year ........

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