[Resurrected] Lol @ Parra

  • We had an issue with background services between march 10th and 15th or there about. This meant the payment services were not linking to automatic upgrades. If you paid for premium membership and are still seeing ads please let me know and the email you used against PayPal and I cam manually verify and upgrade your account.
  • We have been getting regular requests for users who have been locked out of their accounts because they have changed email adresses over the lifetime of their accounts. Please make sure the email address under your account is your current and correct email address in order to avoid this in the future. You can set your email address at https://silvertails.net/account/account-details
  • Wwe are currently experience some server issues which I am working through and hoping to resolve soon, Please bare with me whilst I work through making some changes and possible intermittent outages.
  • Apologies all our server was runing rogue. I managed to get us back to a point from 2:45 today though there is an attachment issue i will fix shortly. Things should be smooth now though

Harvies elbow

I'm a country member....... " Yes we remember "
2017 Tipping Competitor
I've been thinking about the Dalai.
Thinking about his 'coaching' methods
He's an like a novice u7s coach.
Puts all the weight on one player to win the game.
And the results....
Foz: a mental and physical wreck. Gone.
Radradra: tried a few times to escape. Gone.
Nathan Brown: Injured. Gone.
Beau Scott: told to protect Moses. Injured. Gone.
Norman Bates: like his namesake a mental wreck. Gone.
Guvvo: next to be.... Gone.
The man is a fraud and an idiot.

The Wheel

Premium Member
I've been thinking about the Dalai.
Thinking about his 'coaching' methods
He's an like a novice u7s coach.
Puts all the weight on one player to win the game.
And the results....
Foz: a mental and physical wreck. Gone.
Radradra: tried a few times to escape. Gone.
Nathan Brown: Injured. Gone.
Beau Scott: told to protect Moses. Injured. Gone.
Norman Bates: like his namesake a mental wreck. Gone.
Guvvo: next to be.... Gone.
The man is a fraud and an idiot.
You left out their marquee signing of 2018 - Jayne


Feast yer eyes ..
Tipping Member
OK .. just went to the Parra forum for my morning dose of schadenfreude and found this ,,,, this bloke is a genius ... we need to poach him to silvertails ...

I'm a loser baby...Coach

If we'd won tonight I think people would have a completely different perception of the game.


Another good start to the weekend. If Manly win tonight another week of smiles.

Did anyone see the clip online of the ref giving a broncos player a low 5 after blowing a Penalty? Questionable conduct even if it is the slime

Harvies elbow

I'm a country member....... " Yes we remember "
2017 Tipping Competitor
I'm glad I haven't had any pangs of guilt for putting the boot into parra when they are down.
I haven't even searched for any !!


I see the Slime are looking to medically retire Scott to free up $300k this year (1/2 year at $600k)...

No doubt the NRL will help them out...

If he was 24 sure..... But the bloke is 34 and would most likely retire at the end if this year anyway. The level of scum they sink to will never suprise me.
Wonder how the ''Premiership Club" meetings are going


First Grader
Staff member
How could they do that when he is choosing not to play again (he could come back from it)

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