[Resurrected] Lol @ Parra

I admire Whatamong so much.

He is such a proud Squeel, that if his retirement will help the club move forward and play for points, then he's going to do it.

Let me ask you this Anthony (I'm the world's only living brain donor) Watmough ?

If you don't get any of your contract money will you still retire because you're such a top bloke ? Or are you only prepared to go sit on a beach somewhere, if you collect every last cent you signed for ?

I think we all know the answer to that one Anthony. Don't we mate ? So do us all a favour because the general population doesn't have the same mental impairment you seem to have.

We don't blame you for wanting your money. If we were in your position, we'd all want it too. But save us the "what a magnanimous, loyal, proud club man I am" speech. We all know if it was a choice between the club and your next 2 years pay, the club could go and get f****d. Couldn't they Anthony ?

Bloody moron.

Sad but 100% true
Sad but 100% true

He should have just told Danny Weedmat the truth Mark.

"I don't care if it's Parramatta or the insurance company.....but I'm going to get my money one way or the other. And if it means the club is out of the competition, I don't care. The main priority is my contract value"

At least we would've respected that.
He should have just told Danny Weedmat the truth Mark.

"I don't care if it's Parramatta or the insurance company.....but I'm going to get my money one way or the other. And if it means the club is out of the competition, I don't care. The main priority is my contract value"

At least we would've respected that.
Did you all like watamouth's statement that no one person is bigger than the team, haha my how his rhetoric has changed since heading west !!
Anyway, what we think doesn't faze them over at oneeyedheels...
Reply by wiggy 71 6 hours ago
Who cares what other idiot fans think they can hate us dosnt make a difference to me we will cop it, their opinions don't mean squat. IDGAF.
They are very eloquent aren't they!!

And bringing down the Magpies, gee we pinch Kapow and he thinks that , whilst they pinch Forme & Watnow and that's different !!

Deluded is the word that springs to mind !!

Coach Taylor said letting Kapow go was a good business decision.

So wests shouldn't be complaining...just saying 'thank you.'

Look, we shouldn't be so hard on Parra's inability to spell, construct a sentence, etc. I mean poker machines usually have pictures on them not letters don't they?

Well except for A,K,Q,J - they probably recognise those.
Coach Taylor said letting Kapow go was a good business decision.

So wests shouldn't be complaining...just saying 'thank you.'

Look, we shouldn't be so hard on Parra's inability to spell, construct a sentence, etc. I mean poker machines usually have pictures on them not letters don't they?

Well except for A,K,Q,J - they probably recognise those.
I've done a bit of viewing over there the past few weeks. I'm generalising here - the lack of spelling and grammar is punch to the face obvious though there are a couple who are pretty good.
There doesn't seem to be a lot of fun or witticism going on - a lot of whinging, swearing, denial and the funniest thing IMO is the fact that there a few singing Choc's praises and stating he's a great club man :giggle: Been at parra for 5 minutes because Manly weren't silly enough to give him the coin. Played a handful of games. Sucked, and is now retiring to dodgy them under the cap.
They also talk about Foz as if he's been with them since a junior.
Parra's version of a great club man. A bit different to the Manly version.
The site developer needs to contact Dan for some advice. Boring forum design - No troll buttons or Ironstines. The lack of a clever icon is understandable.😉
They're starting to feel unloved at oneyedeels
Every Team hates us now
However Manly forum the Silverferns have a page titled 'Lol Parra" over 1000 comments where they are all trashing us saying we need to rip off Manly players to have success and Parra should be stuck on 0 points this year."

Whilst I don't believe in using female terms as an insult as it's SEXIST (ie cowgirls, handbags at 10 paces, etc) I must point out that that user's name for our site "silverferns" actually refers to a team that has been much more successful than parra!

so thanks.


and... everyone.........1....2....3.....

lol @ parra
Parra are so stupid. They should have just accepted the penalties like the NRL suggested and Greenberg said they would do their best to help them get under the cap by next Friday. He pretty much said he would show leniency in the Watmough retiring case to help them out. They could have just played for points then from next Friday.

Instead they are fighting the NRL again and I think Chief and his mates are off the mark here where they are saying that the points deduction maybe reduced.

From what I can see and from what I have read this morning it is more likely that they will end up with more competition points deducted. All these Parra board members and Schubert coming out and saying the NRL got the calcs wrong. Yeah right.

After weeks of going over 700000 documents I doubt it. Of course Parra aren't going to give Schubert all the details of their faked invoices and dodgy transactions plus cash payments. I think Parra fans are clutching at straws here.

The penalty was a very fair and reasonable one. They should just accept it and move on.
Hello, I am a Parramatta Eels supporter. I know most of you hate us and most of us hate you. I do not hate Manly, anymore.
I am posting in an attempt to clear up a misconception that some NRL fans have regarding the salary cap breaches by the Eels. The NRL says we are $570K over the cap this year, this leads other fans to equate us to the Storm or the Dogs, well this is not the case. We were under the cap this year by $200K, however the NRL assessed our TPA agreements from 2013 - 2015 as not meeting the requirements of at arms length, so they added $770K to this years cap expenditure. We have been badly managed, that is not in question, our board discussed shifting cap payments to TPA payments to reduce the cap expenditure, that is outside the NRL guidelines and foolish. Do other clubs do it? Almost certainly, does uncle Nick from the Roosters strong arm his multimillionaire mates to sponsor a Roosters player? What do you think, they have $1.5Million in TPA. However we were dumb enough to get caught. We were not running two sets of books, two sets of contracts, our crimes are not in the Storm category. Do we deserve a penalty? Of course we do, but we have not taken the field this year with a salary cap breaching team, we beat the Dogs twice, you guys once and the Cowboys once with a legal side, Anthony Watmough has not laced a boot this year. Anyway our cap breach is in question, even with the questionable precident of lumping three years of TPA's on one season, Ian Schubert the former NRL salary cap auditor (and no friend of the Eels) has assessed our breach at $200K, the retirement of Choc will more than clear that up and the NRL will have to reasses the 12 points if the level of the breach is proven to be lower than $570.
Hopefully some of you Manly fans will let some of the hate clear from your view and see the real picture.
In something approximating a perfect world you would hope it's sub-$570!

Irrespective of whether Parramatta are or are not over the cap this year, your administrators have been deliberately rorting the cap and/or the rules regarding TPAs for several seasons. That alone should have seen them stripped of all points for this season with no recourse to accrue further points, apart from byes, for 2016.

How a club that was known to be over the cap, witness last season's heavy fine, was then allowed to recruit several big names in the most recent off-season, without a compensatory purge of other players, beggars belief. Admittedly much of the blame lies elsewhere (the NRL), not just with Arthur and co. Arthur is not blameless in any of this.

Unfortunately after a promising start earlier in the week, Greenberg has contorted himself into a confused and confusing solution of his own making.

I can't imagine anyone apart from perhaps the most hopeful Parra supporters or Channel 9's sports' dept et al, is satisfied with the NRL's current stance.

And it doesn't matter whether Watmough had 'laced on a boot or not,' he was still a big part of the cap equation.
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In something approximating a perfect world you would hope it's sub-$570!
Hello, I am a Parramatta Eels supporter. I know most of you hate us and most of us hate you. I do not hate Manly, anymore.
I am posting in an attempt to clear up a misconception that some NRL fans have regarding the salary cap breaches by the Eels. The NRL says we are $570K over the cap this year, this leads other fans to equate us to the Storm or the Dogs, well this is not the case. We were under the cap this year by $200K, however the NRL assessed our TPA agreements from 2013 - 2015 as not meeting the requirements of at arms length, so they added $770K to this years cap expenditure. We have been badly managed, that is not in question, our board discussed shifting cap payments to TPA payments to reduce the cap expenditure, that is outside the NRL guidelines and foolish. Do other clubs do it? Almost certainly, does uncle Nick from the Roosters strong arm his multimillionaire mates to sponsor a Roosters player? What do you think, they have $1.5Million in TPA. However we were dumb enough to get caught. We were not running two sets of books, two sets of contracts, our crimes are not in the Storm category. Do we deserve a penalty? Of course we do, but we have not taken the field this year with a salary cap breaching team, we beat the Dogs twice, you guys once and the Cowboys once with a legal side, Anthony Watmough has not laced a boot this year. Anyway our cap breach is in question, even with the questionable precident of lumping three years of TPA's on one season, Ian Schubert the former NRL salary cap auditor (and no friend of the Eels) has assessed our breach at $200K, the retirement of Choc will more than clear that up and the NRL will have to reasses the 12 points if the level of the breach is proven to be lower than $570.
Hopefully some of you Manly fans will let some of the hate clear from your view and see the real picture.
Nah still hate you
Hello, I am a Parramatta Eels supporter. I know most of you hate us and most of us hate you. I do not hate Manly, anymore.
I am posting in an attempt to clear up a misconception that some NRL fans have regarding the salary cap breaches by the Eels. The NRL says we are $570K over the cap this year, this leads other fans to equate us to the Storm or the Dogs, well this is not the case. We were under the cap this year by $200K, however the NRL assessed our TPA agreements from 2013 - 2015 as not meeting the requirements of at arms length, so they added $770K to this years cap expenditure. We have been badly managed, that is not in question, our board discussed shifting cap payments to TPA payments to reduce the cap expenditure, that is outside the NRL guidelines and foolish. Do other clubs do it? Almost certainly, does uncle Nick from the Roosters strong arm his multimillionaire mates to sponsor a Roosters player? What do you think, they have $1.5Million in TPA. However we were dumb enough to get caught. We were not running two sets of books, two sets of contracts, our crimes are not in the Storm category. Do we deserve a penalty? Of course we do, but we have not taken the field this year with a salary cap breaching team, we beat the Dogs twice, you guys once and the Cowboys once with a legal side, Anthony Watmough has not laced a boot this year. Anyway our cap breach is in question, even with the questionable precident of lumping three years of TPA's on one season, Ian Schubert the former NRL salary cap auditor (and no friend of the Eels) has assessed our breach at $200K, the retirement of Choc will more than clear that up and the NRL will have to reasses the 12 points if the level of the breach is proven to be lower than $570.
Hopefully some of you Manly fans will let some of the hate clear from your view and see the real picture.
Your club has trashed this season for everyone.

Deliberate cheating over a long period, now a ridiculous situation.

You have a roster that was only possible by offering illegal extras to lure star players. There is no simple fix for that.

Tough games played have now been rendered meaningless.

A cheating team might still play in the big games.

The general public - both league followers and non followers - has been deluged with bad press concerning cheats and law suits, painting our competition as a joke run by crooks.

And the total $3 mil reportedly under-declared - that is right up there with Storm and Dog cheating, any way you look at it.

Sorry Mybob, your miserable club really has a lot to answer for.
Hello, I am a Parramatta Eels supporter. I know most of you hate us and most of us hate you. I do not hate Manly, anymore.
I am posting in an attempt to clear up a misconception that some NRL fans have regarding the salary cap breaches by the Eels. The NRL says we are $570K over the cap this year, this leads other fans to equate us to the Storm or the Dogs, well this is not the case. We were under the cap this year by $200K, however the NRL assessed our TPA agreements from 2013 - 2015 as not meeting the requirements of at arms length, so they added $770K to this years cap expenditure. We have been badly managed, that is not in question, our board discussed shifting cap payments to TPA payments to reduce the cap expenditure, that is outside the NRL guidelines and foolish. Do other clubs do it? Almost certainly, does uncle Nick from the Roosters strong arm his multimillionaire mates to sponsor a Roosters player? What do you think, they have $1.5Million in TPA. However we were dumb enough to get caught. We were not running two sets of books, two sets of contracts, our crimes are not in the Storm category. Do we deserve a penalty? Of course we do, but we have not taken the field this year with a salary cap breaching team, we beat the Dogs twice, you guys once and the Cowboys once with a legal side, Anthony Watmough has not laced a boot this year. Anyway our cap breach is in question, even with the questionable precident of lumping three years of TPA's on one season, Ian Schubert the former NRL salary cap auditor (and no friend of the Eels) has assessed our breach at $200K, the retirement of Choc will more than clear that up and the NRL will have to reasses the 12 points if the level of the breach is proven to be lower than $570.
Hopefully some of you Manly fans will let some of the hate clear from your view and see the real picture.
You fans are suffering due to your Club's attempt to attract talent to get off the bottom of the ladder.@:cool:

However, the fact that Parra was over the Cap five times over six years, despite numerous NRL breach notices, is why the 12 points penalty is currently deducted.

The +570k is only the 2016 overpayment. Parra have till October to fix that as Player contracts are Nov-Oct. But to earn points, the Breach Notice had set a 3rd June date.

Problems Parra face now are broader than complying with the NRL rules to be eligible to earn and retain match points.

NSW Gaming Commission is investigating the inflated invoicing practice, as it is fraud.😎

ATO are investigating all and sundry due to the cash payments and the inflated invoicing (probably incl GST ).😎

The Court will ask for papers to support the contentious Gang of Five's claims against unfair deregistration. This may uncover more Parra deals.🙄

As all Club's sign an agreement to abide by the NRL's code of conduct and governance, they will load the final penalty to deter other Clubs from suing them in the future.

As was suggested early on in the week, it would be in Parra's interest to restructure their roster this year and focus on 2017@:cool:

Good luck and thanks for taking Sooky Pants Foran off our hands :nod:
Good luck and thanks for taking Sooky Pants Foran off our hands :nod:

Too be honest, if his attitude was right then I would rather have kept Foran (but his attitude wasn't right was it). We should however be thanking them for taking Choc off of our hands. He was busted when he left Manly and many of us questioned whether he would last 2 years, let alone the 4 that dumb mob signed him for.
Too be honest, if his attitude was right then I would rather have kept Foran (but his attitude wasn't right was it). We should however be thanking them for taking Choc off of our hands. He was busted when he left Manly and many of us questioned whether he would last 2 years, let alone the 4 that dumb mob signed him for.
Agree, but we are all the sum of our internal dialogue :nerd:
Hello, I am a Parramatta Eels supporter. I know most of you hate us and most of us hate you. I do not hate Manly, anymore.
I am posting in an attempt to clear up a misconception that some NRL fans have regarding the salary cap breaches by the Eels. The NRL says we are $570K over the cap this year, this leads other fans to equate us to the Storm or the Dogs, well this is not the case. We were under the cap this year by $200K, however the NRL assessed our TPA agreements from 2013 - 2015 as not meeting the requirements of at arms length, so they added $770K to this years cap expenditure. We have been badly managed, that is not in question, our board discussed shifting cap payments to TPA payments to reduce the cap expenditure, that is outside the NRL guidelines and foolish. Do other clubs do it? Almost certainly, does uncle Nick from the Roosters strong arm his multimillionaire mates to sponsor a Roosters player? What do you think, they have $1.5Million in TPA. However we were dumb enough to get caught. We were not running two sets of books, two sets of contracts, our crimes are not in the Storm category. Do we deserve a penalty? Of course we do, but we have not taken the field this year with a salary cap breaching team, we beat the Dogs twice, you guys once and the Cowboys once with a legal side, Anthony Watmough has not laced a boot this year. Anyway our cap breach is in question, even with the questionable precident of lumping three years of TPA's on one season, Ian Schubert the former NRL salary cap auditor (and no friend of the Eels) has assessed our breach at $200K, the retirement of Choc will more than clear that up and the NRL will have to reasses the 12 points if the level of the breach is proven to be lower than $570.
Hopefully some of you Manly fans will let some of the hate clear from your view and see the real picture.
If you're rationalising your cheating by saying you have fielded a team under the cap due to Watmough being sidelined, you should at least work backwards which means players like Jennings and Beau Scott should be removed from your team before you remove Watmough as they were signed last and put the team over. and those are the players that have influenced those wins.
So far over the cap....can't even afford paragraphs!

Ahh the irony:

"People should accept we are under the cap regarding TPA's."

*runs around refusing to accept team breached the salary cap by 3 million*
Their forum is the same as their fans.

Old fashioned and Stuck in the past with nothing to look forward too

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