Red Pill
Enthusiastic Amateur
I don’t want to judge you… But as a dog Walker I would imagine you would have carried poop bags. Nothing worse than finding poop on your front lawn..Not too sure what you're trying to say here.
I abhor the whole left and right thing, because it is almost completely misunderstood.
RWNJs are a thing, whether or not it is about political leanings.
I always hope for a society of kindness where the strong help the weak and people are treated as equals regardless of race, gender, sexuality, disability, geography, whatever.
Murdoch is a heinous influence on the world. He ruins lives.
Yep, I was a school teacher but also an owner of a company that produced goods for export, and, when I'd had enough of it all, had a dog walking business for 17 years in Centennial Park.
So if you feel inclined to judge, go with the dogwalker ... it was my happy place.
In relation to Murdoch he has found a way to make money by winding people up.. he is not the only one imo.
Yep I agree with your ideals I personally don’t think we can or should make people behave the way we want them too. e.g. wear a certain jersey that goes against their religion despite the belief being flawed.
People like a horse need to be led to water and not forced to drink that is another way to say it…If we keep leading by example they will eventually drink… it will just take time.