You make a very valid point when you say the trick is to see the situation from others point of view
If our owner and marketing team had the foresight to do this they would not have politically prostituted our indiscriminative jersey that gay players and all players from all walk of life played and were united since the beginning of time in our proud history
The moral of the story
Sport Unites people
and Politics Divide people as our club was the only club to have caused a division with its Polynesian players and club supporters and this division continues long after the clubs pride jersey marketing game day and has gone from bitter disagreements to death threats
The trick is to see the situation from ALL points of view and if we mastered this the world would likely be a much better place
All Gays rights matter and so do other ALL people rights matter
The wrong thing to do is to prostitute the indiscriminative sport where all come to play the game and not participate in a political agenda
There are no war zones in sports arenas where all people are united as one as different as they are
Lets keep politics out of our free war zone sports