@Budgie ... i am truly sorry I disappoint you ... but my only posture in this entire issue has been with people advocating to force other people to act against their beliefs ...
In exactly the same way as I would never tolerate anybody trying to force you, to act against yours.
I fully accept, respect and support who you are, and how you live your life, but it is important to protect those freedoms that allow people from both sides of a debate to be able to speak and belief as they wish.
At times we may not like it ... but heaven help us if we ever lose the right.
Of course.
To go back to the original, which is not what this has become, but to clarify my perspective for you:
1. The club completely stuffed it up.
2. I was extremely hurt by all the anti gay stuff that spewed forth on this site as a result. Some of it was subtle, but as someone who has suffered rejection at family, work, and societal levels, I know full well all of the guises it takes.
3. I have a great many problems with organised religion. Apart from some absolute gems, like the Sisters of Mercy, who relentlessly cared for gay boys during the AIDS crisis in the eighties when no one else wanted to be anywhere near them, much organised religion does more harm than good.
Pedophiles everywhere. Missionaries ruining previously happy societies (check your history Rainbow Seven). Wars! How many bloody wars? Guilt and righteousness where they shouldn't be. A majority exclusion of women in positions of power. And on it goes.
I won't go on.
Yes, in a perfect world, everyone should be able to speak and believe as they wish. In the Western World we pretty much have that. But even that is warping with narrowcasting media and the internet.
The Right Wing Nutjobs in America have such a silo of speech and belief that they're storming the Capitol and trying to kill the Speaker of the House.
Absolutely there has been revolutions throughout history but these were people who had to spread ideas without media and meet in secret and organise and risk. Now they're people who get up, scratch their balls, sit in front of the computer, and egg each other on. All speech and belief and dangerous.
The Christchurch Mosque shooter was fuelled by online groups where people spoke openly of their beliefs that Muslims were despicable.
Pedophiles have groups ... well you know what I'm saying.
I'm great with respectful, informed debate. I agree people should not act against their beliefs but I do think that in better circumstances than our club allowed, those beliefs should be talked through and a middle ground found where no one is hurt.
I've understood your point from the start Woodsie. I just think you're in with the wrong crowd 😉🥴😊