Come on, did anyone NOT notice it? It stuck out like a sore thumb to anyone who followed NRL this year.Is that snide bs remark necessary? I don't follow god but what did your crap comment add?
Good on Jason, I've seen him interviewed and he seems like a very likeable young guy.
However let's not put our heads in the sand, throughout society the contradictions between religions and human rights are coming more and more to a head. You must have noticed the intense debate over the last couple of years around Scomo's (shelved) Religious Discrimination Bill. The demonstrations in Iran? It's not just here, or just in NRL.
Anyway contrary to the lies deliberately spread here by @Woodsie I have no issue with religious freedom at all, people can believe what they want to believe. However that shouldn't give you the right to discriminate against sections of society.
So congrats to Jason for the contract (I like it as he is unique talent) and good on him for thanking his God, and good on Manly for not persecuting (by refusing to extend) a guy just for his religious beliefs.
However I don't find Shoe's quip offensive at all, or intolerant. Pointing out funny stuff like people thanking God for your contract (does that mean it's God's fault that others didn't get a contract?) doesn't mean people aren't allowed to have their beliefs. But if you put your beliefs into a public press announcement, and they are funny - then others are allowed to comment on them.
Aren't they? Unless you reject the idea of free speech I suppose. Maybe you want comedians to go out of business!
Having said all that - I agree @Shoe1 comment didn't add much 🙂