When I first saw the tittle, I thought oh no, what's he done now. 😵
Then I read a little and I put my hand up,guilty as charged, I was one who has asked where he was and that I missed his football talk and lighter sarcastic moments which were ammusing before going dark.
Biff is now infamous, his own dedicated thread, not many can claim that, at least he can live as a legend in his world.
Unlike many that have posted I did see a number of the examples of his post, and while in no way am I condoning the worst of his post and abuse as per above, or making any excuse for him or putting an argument up for any other action that has been taken, I still think it worth mentioning----
In alot of cases, he was goaded and baited to get him to crack, Not all the time but alot, some appeared to get joy from that, which I found quite sad really, as he obviously was troubled.
So while I think the powers that be, had no alternative to take the action they have, and certainly needed to, those that baited waiting for cracks to appear also need to reflect on their own behaviour and and the part small or large they contributed to Biffs issues.
I wish Biff well, I hope he finds the help he needs, just as I thank the mods and Dan for providing the platform they do and the action they took.