I just googled .. Mormons Sins ... no mention of sins ... but says Alcohol, tobacco, Tea and coffee are banned, in something called the book of wisdom .... no mention of gambling ....
But seriously .... you need to pay more attention .... I don't care .
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is opposed to gambling, including lotteries sponsored by governments. Church leaders have encouraged Church members to join with others in opposing the legalization and government sponsorship of any form of gambling.
Gambling is motivated by a desire to get something for nothing. This desire is spiritually destructive. It leads participants away from the Savior’s teachings of love and service and toward the selfishness of the adversary. It undermines the virtues of work and thrift and the desire to give honest effort in all we do.
Gambling is motivated by a desire to get something for nothing and leads participants away from the Savior’s teachings of love and service.