Ultimately, I don't think it is so much about where a given player is from, but rather that a system / environment exists to farm, target, support, engage and harvest local players.
For us specifically, I think the ratio of local : outsourced is important to control, ill get to that..
One thing is that it is unsustainable to try cash in on western sydney products when there are around 8 other sydney teams. [i.e see the outdated 'nrl team map' image at the bottom of this post]
But there's a fair few issues that come to mind from > outsourcing when it comes to young local sports teams
Notably, buying young players and injecting them into local teams can make the sport too serious at a time when it should be just about having fun (I have experienced a bit of this one).
- Local junior teams are competitive. Like anything unregulated, there will be those exploiting 'the system', enticing players from larger metropolitan or western development areas just to get / stay on top.
- With Manly's development model turning it's eye to the West, local junior teams were encouraged to keep stacking their squads with outside talent
- Less responsibility to develop players + have fun
It goes unsaid that a model like this could lead to less local engagement
- Many local juniors are just playing for fun at junior levels, until it becomes too serious
- Less regulation in local comps = > teams with manopoly = < competitive competitions = < local players and teams = more games further away = < local local players again...
Also, it's highly unlikely outsourced teenagers supported and/or understood the club;
- Likely to lack any deep-rooted investment in the club, its culture and tradition.
- Loyalty to the manager, instead of the team (we've seen this alot with Tartak's clients)
- It's much easier to instill the 'manly mentality' into young, impressionable manly fans than those getting bussed over at young ages for $ and a promise of opportunity
And finally, there's also the problem of maintaining an 'equal playing field', or putting all development eggs into a select few baskets
- Greater outsourcing = greater financial investment in young players = greater conflict of interest in picking/developing players
- In theory... I haven't been around to see it this one in practice
That's my unvalidated take on why it's not a great development model
That said, there's different issues too. Notably, there's a major lack of marketing regarding junior footy across the Northern Beaches. If anyone was serious about development, it would be shoved in our faces... All. The. Time.