What a sad, sad indictment on our club where they see fit to hire Shane Flanagan as an assistant.
A deplorable move on so many levels, many of which are hard to articulate in this forum, nonetheless, I count for very little in the grand scheme of things.
I wish the Club all the very best but I certainly will be far more vocal in the more appropriate channels to which I'm able to convey my thoughts.
I'm pretty surprised at the speed of this deal going through. Flanagan wasn't even on my radar as a possibility for an assistants role with us. The speed of the deal actually really bothers me, as clearly a lot of planning has gone into pulling it off.
Who's driven it? Penn? I dismiss this idea out of hand. Mestrov? It seems a very un-Mestrovlike move. Seibold? Was Seibolds deal conditional on Flanagan coming in? I don't see that either. Do we have someone else from outside pulling the Penn strings this time?
Webster has dismissed the idea of Eddie Jones coming in as a "consultant". That simply won't happen that way. However, Eddie Jones coming in as an all powerful coaching director, after he completes his commitments to the English Rugby Union in two years, is not outside the realms of possibility.
Except, I can't see Eddie being too attracted to this idea, Manlys Phil Gould, while the club remains at Brookvale. If the new Manly Dream Team, can essentially De-Manly the joint, through a complete rebuild internally, a geographical relocation could well be part of that future plan.
A lot of very long bows have been drawn, based on what ifs and hypotheticals, but as Webster writes himself "stranger things have happened" Thoughts, burns and ridicule all welcome in responses.