The Australian newspaper was just mentioned as providing information contrary to treasuary costings by about 11 billion dollars, this should come as absolutely no surprise to anyone at all as they are owned by News Ltd as is the daily Telecrap and many other daily rags in every state. The Australian in particular has been waging an anti labor campaign for the past two and a half years with the most biased and inaccurate journalism ever seen in this country, this is just another example. Has anyone here ever watched Rupert FOX NEWS on his pay TV network, they use the slogan FAIR AND BALANCED,but like the Australian newspaper they are the furthest thig from fair and balanced but dont just take my word for this, Malcolm Fraser on monday night on Q+A stated in no uncertain terms that News ltd at every opportunity has talked down the achievements of the government and drawn attention to the smallest of errors in government policy. All of this misinformation added to the unrelenting critism of the talkback radio industry and a population of aspirational bogans who want as much middle class welfare as they an get their hands on. We all know what News ltd has done to rugby league its now happening in politics and for those who think this is good, what if they decide to change aleigence to the other side. Oh, and by the way Malcolm Frasers scathing comments about News Ltd, were not reporte on Tuesday, I wonder why?