That was ridiculous (and now five things).
As to part 2, only when I can get you to stand next to me and hand out how to vote for the Libs!!...I'll do half the day for Labor and you do half the day for the Libs???
In reality you vote Labor and I am a conservative, and as I have said they are so bloody close I can't tell the difference (and neither could the electorate).
As much as it pains me to say this I could even vote Labor one day, as long as they were not tied up with the Greens.
I like and respect many Labor pollies, Kevin Rudd for one...and how can you not like Stephen Smith....and wait for it....I even quite like Julia Foolia...and applaud the idea of a female PM.
Some I detest, mostly those that were ex Union Officials, Martin Ferguson and Bill Shorten really rub me up the wrong way.
But then again, I like some Liberal pollies as well and detest others, so as I say (if not for the Greens) there's not a struck match between them.
Good luck to Julia, she \"just\" scrapped in but as I have said over the last 17 days....I expect us to be going through the whole thing again within 12-18 months, as (with what we have seen re the mining tax yesterday and today) this is a very very brittle arrangement.