Discuss all you wish mods , however I fail to see how Blue Pill offers any value to this family, and
@Ryan excepted I doubt too many on here would disagree with that summation.
There's lots who join and only read , they have no impact on anyone.
There's lots who join and occasionally say something , in most cases zero impact.
There's lots who join, use the like, dislike , agree buttons and again zero impact on anyone.
All this tosser offers is Troll after Troll after Troll for anything many of us say.
How that's being a " valued member of the Silvertails community" is beyond me.
I don't ever expect everyone to agree with me, and I don't take any offence at dislikes or disagrees, that's democracy.
But Ryan, and I are NOT trolls, both of us bleed maroon and white,and whilst an occasional Troll might be funny, on every post isn't.
Your call mods, but if he's ( she's) allowed back I think your community deserves an explanation why!