Big difference with 2009H1N1 disease was that though it was highly infectious and possibly infected over a billion people, it had a mortality rate of only 0.02%. That means two in ten thousand people who officially were registered as contracting the illness, died.
The Coronavirus and the 1918H1N1 (of which the 2009H1N1 was a variant form though a much less dangerous illness) hovered around 2.5%, meaning over two people out of every 100 died or are dying who are diagnosed with the illness.
Now the 2.5% might be significantly higher than reality, given its assessed that as many as 80% of people who contract these illnesses, receive such a mild reaction, and dont report it to doctors. However based on those known cases, the Coronavirus is displaying death rates, at this stage, at about 1000 times more lethal that the 2009H1N1 illness and about on par with the 1918H1N1 pandemic.