Coronavirus sucks.. but the NRL lives!

Hi Mark, what is the source of that view?
I'm aware many assume that young healthy people 'won't have an issue' but the articles you've actually just quoted (!) in my post are saying the opposite:

"But health experts are warning that it's not impossible for younger adults to have a severe form of the disease or even die from it, even those who don't have any other obvious risk factors.
Bruce Aylward, who led the World Health Organisation's recent mission to assess the pandemic in China, said his team found there had been many deaths in people without other health conditions, and in people decades younger than the groups deemed most at risk."

Great if most may be fine but can you define 'most'? It certainly doesn't mean 'all'. It's very important for everyone to get the best available info about the risk level, so please post links (or at least specify when its just your own gut feel or opinion) ta!

Hahaha, World Health Organisation indeed!

You seem to like lecturing Mark, but your opinions are no more informed than his.

And no, I won't be providing half a dozen links to back up my opinion of your opinion.

Don't be so smug...
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Listening to Scomo and Joshie’s latest news conference this morning that was played during the Sunday Footy show; I’d say that unless the NRL can relocate all the teams and media to one location, as has been previously proposed, by late today, then this years competition is over, as they’ve proposing stopping all non essential travel.

As much a Scotty loves his gummies, I think his priorities now aren’t keeping the NRL/AFL/soccer going; he’s being left with no option but to close down time country.
Official government figures from 2 days ago. 1,072 Australians with Coronavirus. 1,070 of those have symptoms described as ‘mild’. 2 have symptoms described as ‘serious or critical’. One fifth of one percent of people who currently have the virus have serious health issues.

Early on when they were only testing the dead and the dying this looked like a disease with a very high mortality rate. Now that more people are being tested it’s not looking quite so threatening.

Doctors will always say that the healthiest person in the world “could” die from something. They don’t want to be pilloried if someone healthy does die. Healthy people do die from even the most innocuous seeming bugs.

each year in Australia around 18,000 people are hospitalised with the flu. About 3,500 of them die. No one is saying that Covid-19 is harmless we just want people to stop panicking.

the Chinese are sending 100,000 (about) testing kits. How about we spot sample these to make sure they are not already contaminated with the virus (I know, I’m a nasty suspicious person) than use 20,000 of these kits to check apparently healthy people across Australia. Get a statistically reliable measure of how many people are carrying the virus. After all, given the lack of symptoms, it’s unlikely Australian health professionals would have even noticed this virus if the Chinese hadn’t pointed it out to us. Do you think we swab every person who dies in a nursing home and culture every virus an bacteria in their body.

the Sea Eagles run on the smell of an oily rag. The loss of gate takings and club revenue this year may finish them off. Is the fear of getting ‘mild’ symptoms’ enough justification for killing not just the economy but also the club we love.

I agree in part Cloran.

The death rate estimates, as I alluded to, would be less than the reported contraction of the disease. But that applies to all illnesses, even flues. How many people dont report having the flu?

We can only assess based on what's reported and world wide the reported illnesses are gauging at a 2-3.4% death rate.

Yes its variable in many countries, but this pandemic has only just begun. One thing is certain. It is far more lethal than the flu.

The figures here in Australia do not demonstrate the seriousness of the illness because though so few have died, the reported illnesses have not yet played their course. Most recent examples of people having contracted the illness and who reported to doctors, have not yet gone through the full course of the disease, which for healthy people may be a few days, but for more serious complaints may last for many weeks.

Sure its important not to panic, but its also imperative with this illness that is already being compared to the Spanish Flu of 1918, that serious precautions must be taken. This disease has only just started to hit. We probably have at up to 6 months during which this disease will be a problem (based on how these illnesses progress). It will get far worse before it gets better.

WHO is saying the world wide mortality rate at present is 3.4%, after initially thinking to was 2% (as of March 2). Some nations are reporting much fewer deaths, others much more. We'll only know as the months go by, but the reported percentage is unlikely to fall below 1%, which is at minimum ten times more lethal than the worst ordinary flu we are used to

Listening to Scomo and Joshie’s latest news conference this morning that was played during the Sunday Footy show; I’d say that unless the NRL can relocate all the teams and media to one location, as has been previously proposed, by late today, then this years competition is over, as they’ve proposing stopping all non essential travel.

As much a Scotty loves his gummies, I think his priorities now aren’t keeping the NRL/AFL/soccer going; he’s being left with no option but to close down time country.
Travel doesn’t mean going up and down the M1 does it?
I really don’t know anything anymore.
And is there anything for a massive increase in Centrelink staff because I’m buggered how people are going to get all this relief when hearsay says that people have been waiting hours to speak to them in good times?
All very well to say they're getting it wrong - Why not give an example of measures you would prefer the govt to do (or not to have done)
IGeez SE08

’m talking about the world approach and particularly US approach of heading towards total shutdown. I thought that was reasonably obvious from the figures quoted.And they are doing as reports of treatment/ vaccine are springing up everywhere
It is madness.It is even greater madness if they do it in Australia with our figures.

So many nightmares are caused by well intentioned people This looks like being the biggest doozey of all.
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Big difference with 2009H1N1 disease was that though it was highly infectious and possibly infected over a billion people, it had a mortality rate of only 0.02%. That means two in ten thousand people who officially were registered as contracting the illness, died.

The Coronavirus and the 1918H1N1 (of which the 2009H1N1 was a variant form though a much less dangerous illness) hovered around 2.5%, meaning over two people out of every 100 died or are dying who are diagnosed with the illness.

Now the 2.5% might be significantly higher than reality, given its assessed that as many as 80% of people who contract these illnesses, receive such a mild reaction, and dont report it to doctors. However based on those known cases, the Coronavirus is displaying death rates, at this stage, at about 100 times more lethal that the 2009H1N1 illness and about on par with the 1918H1N1 pandemic.
Don’t give a toss about death rates
Bear They have no idea how many have it or will get it and never will because 90 percent of people get a sniffle or are asymptomstic.
H1N1 Infected 60 million Americans and killed 25000 Americans and also killed 500000 people. That’s what matters. That is all that matters. And mostly the NON ELDERlY. because the old had immunity due to previous exposure.
If anyone wants to bet this will kill 500000 with the partial lockdown we have please call me.
A TOTAL lockdown with no vaccine will be unimaginable

Because if it doesn’t reach those levels with the current policies then they will have to explain why the world does not look like post 2009 and instead looks like hell on earth if no vaccinE in 6 months. Total lockdown then I don’t really want to imagine that.
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Because if it doesn’t then they will have to explain why the world does not look like post 2009 and instead looks like hell on earth.
You've starting to sound a bit hysterical! And you're driving the markets down with all of this panic!
I think you need to calm down or risk damming us all to hell! 😉
I agree in part Cloran.

The death rate estimates, as I alluded to, would be less than the reported contraction of the disease. But that applies to all illnesses, even flues. How many people dont report having the flu?

We can only assess based on what's reported and world wide the reported illnesses are gauging at a 2-3.4% death rate.

Yes its variable in many countries, but this pandemic has only just begun. One thing is certain. It is far more lethal than the flu.

The figures here in Australia do not demonstrate the seriousness of the illness because though so few have died, the reported illnesses have not yet played their course. Most recent examples of people having contracted the illness and who reported to doctors, have not yet gone through the full course of the disease, which for healthy people may be a few days, but for more serious complaints may last for many weeks.

Sure its important not to panic, but its also imperative with this illness that is already being compared to the Spanish Flu of 1918, that serious precautions must be taken. This disease has only just started to hit. We probably have at up to 6 months during which this disease will be a problem (based on how these illnesses progress). It will get far worse before it gets better.

WHO is saying the world wide mortality rate at present is 3.4%, after initially thinking to was 2% (as of March 2). Some nations are reporting much fewer deaths, others much more. We'll only know as the months go by, but the reported percentage is unlikely to fall below 1%, which is at minimum ten times more lethal than the worst ordinary flu we are used to

You know when someone starts a conversation with “I respect your opinion but” it usually means “You’re a f@@king idiot and why am I wasting my time on you”. Please do NOT make that jump. I do respect your opinion and I always enjoy hearing what you have to say. I would like to add a couple of things.

Doctors in the UK recently released the results of a study they conducted into how a healthy person’s body deals with the Coronavirus. They found that the immune system reacts just as it would to the flu. At the same point in the infection cycle the same white blood cells are produced and those cells kill the virus just as they would the flu.

there is no suggestion that the people suffering mild health issues at the moment will develop threatening symptoms later. Peter Dutton’s mouldering body has not been dragged from his unit in Canberra by men in hazmat suits.

NSW hospitals are sending home the Coronavirus infected people they have been keeping in isolation. They need the beds for sick people.

Wash your hands regularly. It may stop you getting a number of dangerous viruses and bacterial infections.🙂
I’d say just educated because it’s what I do

Yep. For two years people scoffed at the problems a few dodgy US mortgages might cause.
I know how the system works and people have absolutely no idea what will happen in a world laden with so much debt if the International credit markets fail and they are showing signs of just that. Not sure many people realize that before this virus in virtually all of Europe and Japan if you lent money to a government via a bond purchase you had to pay them to hold the money for you. Yes, negative interest rates.That is how ****ed up and scared the world was before this.

This makes the GFC look like a kids party already
Two to three times the economic effect with a partial lockdown... I do not want to see what happens with a total lockdown and I’m pretty sure you and your kids won’t either.
they've just stopped all unnecessary travel and watching the footy show(afl because it was on).
they say that it will mean the end of the game for now at least. if so to wouldn't be any different from nrl

glad to be wrong on this:

Coronavirus NRL news: PM's travel ban won't force season to shut down
I’d say just educated because it’s what I do

Yep. For two years people scoffed at the problems a few dodgy US mortgages might cause.
I know how the system works and people have absolutely no idea what will happen in a world laden with so much debt if the International credit markets fail and they are showing signs of just that. Not sure many people realize that before this virus in virtually all of Europe and Japan if you lent money to a government via a bond purchase you had to pay them to hold the money for you. Yes, negative interest rates.That is how ****ed up and scared the world was before this.

This makes the GFC look like a kids party already
Two to three times the economic effect with a partial lockdown... I do not want to see what happens with a total lockdown and I’m pretty sure you and your kids won’t either.
Agree, the NRL is the least of our problems.

This cannot go well, not on any level.
The South Australian government announced this morning that our state borders are also now closed for the time being.

That's also going to have big implications for the AFL because there are two teams based in Adelaide.
If Queensland did the same what would that mean for Tweed Heads - Gold Coast? It would be like Cold War Berlin, cut down the middle?
Move 4 teams to wach of 4 regional centers.
Mudgee - Storm, Raiders, Saibts, Sharks.
Bathurst -Pentith, Parra, Dogs, Tigers
Tamworth- Knights, Roosters, Souths, Manly
Mackay - Broncos, Titans, Cows Warriors.
Play each other over 3 weeks then move between if they all still clear.
Redo the draw to suit.
The following are fiqures in today's paper ....

Total .. 47,021
Deaths .. 4032
Death rate ... 8.6%

Total ..19,650
Deaths .. 263
Death rate .. 1.3%

Total .. 19848
Deaths .. 68
Death rate .. 0.3%

Have not heard any explanation of these widely differering death rates ... are Germans just tough biggers or ar the Italians just shiite at mediciene ????
My great uncle fought with the ninth infantry in Tobruk. The Germans may be tough but Aussies are tougher.
Germany have a lot more beds and respirators/ ventilatiors per 1000.

I am pretty sure ... without evidence .... that hospitalisation and ventilators wouldn't account for a mortality rate 28 times higher .... it is the one result that is statistically ridiculous compared to the rest of the world ...

Total 81,008
Deaths ..3255
Death rate .. 4.1%

South Korea
Total 8799
Deaths.. 68
Death rate ..0.7%

Total .. 928
Deaths .. 7
Death rate .. 0.7%
I’d say just educated because it’s what I do

Yep. For two years people scoffed at the problems a few dodgy US mortgages might cause.
I know how the system works and people have absolutely no idea what will happen in a world laden with so much debt if the International credit markets fail and they are showing signs of just that. Not sure many people realize that before this virus in virtually all of Europe and Japan if you lent money to a government via a bond purchase you had to pay them to hold the money for you. Yes, negative interest rates.That is how ****ed up and scared the world was before this.

This makes the GFC look like a kids party already
Two to three times the economic effect with a partial lockdown... I do not want to see what happens with a total lockdown and I’m pretty sure you and your kids won’t either.
Dunno, sounds pretty hysterical to me! We are all doomed....Yada Yada Yada. End of life as we know it, worst thing that could possibly happen. Personally I hope I get taken out by the virus so I don't have to live in such a world ;p
I’d say just educated because it’s what I do

Yep. For two years people scoffed at the problems a few dodgy US mortgages might cause.
I know how the system works and people have absolutely no idea what will happen in a world laden with so much debt if the International credit markets fail and they are showing signs of just that. Not sure many people realize that before this virus in virtually all of Europe and Japan if you lent money to a government via a bond purchase you had to pay them to hold the money for you. Yes, negative interest rates.That is how ****ed up and scared the world was before this.

This makes the GFC look like a kids party already
Two to three times the economic effect with a partial lockdown... I do not want to see what happens with a total lockdown and I’m pretty sure you and your kids won’t either.
I'm afraid feathered friend that the vast majority of people living in Australia have no idea how diabolical this can become. We've lived sheltered, pampered lives since WW2 and none of us under the age of 80 know what it's like to go without or live in poverty. We see it in Africa, South America, Middle East and Asia and just think that's how it is there and dismiss it as their fault. Well it's coming like a freight train and no one in this country will cope with how bad it may get.
glad to be wrong on this:

Coronavirus NRL news: PM's travel ban won't force season to shut down

What PM's travel ban? Don't they mean the State Premiers ban? It is the states that are closing borders. Either way the NRL season is gorne. Even if the NRL carnival settles into a secured estate in the middle of outback QLD with FOX tv crews, the optics of having footy going on while the rest of the country is in crisis will kill off the NRL plans anyway.

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