All we are saying, is Pearce off !

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Reserve Grader
Unless Pearce actually wants to go to the Knights his management may as well just stonewall the Roosters. They will look worse and worse the longer they keep him.

Do you really think there is much difference to Pearce.................if it comes down to Knights or Manly?

He'll be the top dog (no pun intended) at the Knights and there's only one way for them to go.
I reckon if he wants out, Knights might even be a better option for him.


Didn’t the salary cap increase from 7 million in 2017 to 9.4 million in 2018 ?

Yes it did laughable isn't it supposedly all the increase has gone into upgrades and two reserve graders. The only reason we are tight on cap space if we are is we have stuffed up and people are getting way overs.

Smokin Joe

Though I agree, we are still clearly chasing Pearce, so, imo that shows that we are fine
I think we are fine too,yeah we are chasing Pearce but will have to move on Green which is another $350k to the cause and might have to let someone else go or sign bargain basement players to the last positions in squad which might be why we have not finalized the last couple of positions(waiting to see if we get someone like Pearce or if we don't then get a mid range or two guy with the last remaining cash).I am fine with what we look like going in to next year so far,but that is different for all people.....

Smokin Joe

Yeah all teams are in the same boat .. Look at cronulla won a gf everybodys gotta be upgraded but still signing big name players & even lookin at pearce, its a dead set joke .. Parramatta & chooks trying to get hayne is an absolute farce .. Our cap goes up 2.4 million we lose stewart , jamie lyon , matai , lawrence , myles & still cant get a top notch player.. Please
Yeah,can't say for all teams,but Cronulla only had about 5 or so guys signed for 2018 going into the 2017 season.They kept their cash ready for this offseason and re-signed (did I get that right grammar police?)the guys they wanted to keep and add some new guys.When you look at their squad and see additions versus losses I don't think they have a better squad or have made improvements,I think they will go backwards...In regards to the Chooks,they look to have a better top 17 man squad this year,but they have shed many players to do this,they are scarily thin when it comes to depth.They look to have thrown all their eggs into the basket to get a premiership in the next 2 years(could work out or could horribly backfire).The Eels are just mystifying as to how they do what they do....When you look closely at all the squads there are only a couple who look better than 2017,most are treading water.St.George/Newcastle/Tigers are the only ones who look to have upgraded their overall squads,the rest are no better.
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Sea Eagle Lach
Premium Member
Tipping Member
Yes it did laughable isn't it supposedly all the increase has gone into upgrades and two reserve graders
Not two, 3 - Sipley, Gosi, and Croker. And they are not really so much reserve graders although they may play a lot of reserves, they are part of a 30 man NRL squad and will probably all be called on at some stage to play a key role.

We know the teams who succeed tend to be those with decent depth, which is why those signings while not capturing the imagination are nonetheless significant, good depth on small contracts!

Smokin Joe

Didn’t the salary cap increase from 7 million in 2017 to 9.4 million in 2018 ?
Yeah,I have mentioned the upgrades before and also I believe we are paying more for some players who we picked up from last year due to getting them partially paid in 2017 by their clubs and now we will be paying full price in 2018.Some disagree with that but I still think it is true but won't be bothered arguing that point anymore(done it all before).5 extra players in that upgraded salary cap from 25-30 players and another $500k there at a minimum...


Grizzly old fart
Guys I think its fairly obvious that the Sea Eagles have changed recruitment tactics over the past decade.

They used to go for all the big talent, but with the salary cap and requirement for TPAs, they seem to have decided to pick up the occasional big name, but concentrate more on the development of young players with seemingly tonnes of potential. This is a far cheaper option and in the long run more sustainable.

Look at the U20s success, yet the reggies went no where. They are paying for the future, picking and choosing those players they think will eventually make an impact, like Tom Wright, Jade Anderson, Parker, Sipley and others who have impressed in the junior ranks.

Look at Melbourne and how they sustain a top side. They develop young stars they pinch from elsewhere. A few top rankers like Smith, Cronk, Slater but the rest slowly brought through the ranks.

Some teams buy for instant success, but its not sustainable over several years. What Manly is doing is somewhat like Melbourne. Buy them cheap and young and develop them. More cost effective and longer term. That's why Manly succeeded from 2005- 2013. They brought a few stars like Lyon, but most were rising talent.

I think Manly's recruitment style of late is sensible and I wouldnt be too troubled if they dont get Pearce and bide their time for someone special to rise from the ranks. They've done it before.


GO Manly
Guys I think its fairly obvious that the Sea Eagles have changed recruitment tactics over the past decade.

They used to go for all the big talent, but with the salary cap and requirement for TPAs, they seem to have decided to pick up the occasional big name, but concentrate more on the development of young players with seemingly tonnes of potential. This is a far cheaper option and in the long run more sustainable.

Look at the U20s success, yet the reggies went no where. They are paying for the future, picking and choosing those players they think will eventually make an impact, like Tom Wright, Jade Anderson, Parker, Sipley and others who have impressed in the junior ranks.

Look at Melbourne and how they sustain a top side. They develop young stars they pinch from elsewhere. A few top rankers like Smith, Cronk, Slater but the rest slowly brought through the ranks.

Some teams buy for instant success, but its not sustainable over several years. What Manly is doing is somewhat like Melbourne. Buy them cheap and young and develop them. More cost effective and longer term. That's why Manly succeeded from 2005- 2013. They brought a few stars like Lyon, but most were rising talent.

I think Manly's recruitment style of late is sensible and I wouldnt be too troubled if they dont get Pearce and bide their time for someone special to rise from the ranks. They've done it before.

Couldn't agree more!



Journey Man
Tipping Member
Why do I need double the qualifications of the guys doing the job now?
We've seen just wealthy is a failure, maybe they should try someone who is just smart!
When you buy the Penns out and start running the club better, only than we will take you seriously .
Any one can do the talk but when it comes to the walk only few have the balls to do it .
In the mean time do the right thing by our club and become a financial member .

manly al

First Grader
There still seems to be some conjecture as to where Manly"s salary cap situation may be right now and as much as there is a body of thought at present that suggests that there is not much cap space available , i still do not see it that way . Maybe i am missing something and other posters are better positioned to speculate or comment but just on a simple calculation and firstly with Tom and Jake"s and A F B upgrades [ and to a lesser extent Parker, Paseka and Tanginoa ] , paying full contracts for Uate , Siro and Perrett and acquiring Gosiewski , Metcalfe , Sipley and Croker ., there still seems some cap room to work with Also then balanced against the cap increase of 2 Mil , really should again still result in some current available cap space . Snake , Matai , Myles , B . J . ,Kennedy , and Godinet have of course been released , Bainbridge and Schuster still not re - signed and even taking into account the recently introduced rookie contracts . Maybe there is some adjustment provision in D C E "s contract and a couple of others in relation to the cap increase factor but again just on a simple calculation , there really should be some reasonable cap money still available in the cap . So mainly just curious myself but again just think and contrary to some media views , that is still some cap money available for Manly to utilize at this point of time . Also of course to acquire Pearce will still require Green to take up the warriors option .

manly al

First Grader
If we stopped pursuing Thompson to chase Pearce then that tells you we have approx max $500k spare. Added with releasing Green ($300k) that makes up the $800k for Pearce.
I'd say things would be tight at that point.

Imagine asking the NRL to sign off on that whilst still under investigation for alleged Cap drama... The NRL will make it as hard as possible. Which would push Pearce in the direction of an NRL run club..... The Knights?
Yeh , i would have thought around the $ 500 to $ 600 K , cap money still available..
Yeh , i would have thought around the $ 500 to $ 600 K , cap money still available..

I think it's safe to say there is some cap space, just not a huge amount ala Sharks (700-800).

We know Manly are chasing jnr jnr and his salary is reported as 800k on the cap (unlikely he would have many, if any, TPAs given his past behaviour).

So I think it is reasonable to assume Manly have a minimum cap space of (800 piss - 350 green) = 450.

The only problem I see is the piss will want more than 800K for his 1 club dream to collapse. And that probably explains why dickheads like Buzz pisshead talk about cap being tight.

Tragic Eagle

Premium Member
Tipping Member
Buzz wants the Sharks to get him and if not then Newcastle. You only have to read the Telegraph today and see the big story about Newcastle being required to spend another 1.5 million. Its all aimed at pushing players towards them, particularly Pearce. I don't believe can can compete with the dollars and can only get him if he really wants to come to us. He would know that he'll win more games with us and play semi final football which is unlikely at Newcastle.

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