All we are saying, is Pearce off !

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Mark from Brisbane

“ Boomer still Booming”
Premium Member
Tipping Member
Just thought I’d check in to let you know that neither the Singapore Straits Times, nor the Saigon Times can confirm or deny any Manly signings, I know as I’ve read them both from cover to cover thinking I’d get some news.

Look, I’m reliably informed it might be #nextweek!

Sorry, but just had to get that in.

Off for some more $1.00 Tiger Beers shortly, not sure if the bar has Fox Sports 502, probably not!

Man it’s cheap to eat and drink in this joint.


In for the long haul.
2016 Tipping Competitor
Tipping Member
Just thought I’d check in to let you know that neither the Singapore Straits Times, nor the Saigon Times can confirm or deny any Manly signings, I know as I’ve read them both from cover to cover thinking I’d get some news.

Look, I’m reliably informed it might be #nextweek!

Sorry, but just had to get that in.

Off for some more $1.00 Tiger Beers shortly, not sure if the bar has Fox Sports 502, probably not!

Man it’s cheap to eat and drink in this joint.
Is it hot? I'd love to go but hate the heat so I figure I'll never get there!

Mark from Brisbane

“ Boomer still Booming”
Premium Member
Tipping Member
Is it hot? I'd love to go but hate the heat so I figure I'll never get there!

It’s like Brisbane in say January down south , much cooler in the north ( later in the trip ), best month is January, no rain , lower temperatures and little humidity.

Suited us however to go now!


Interestingly I asked Buzz on his blog today about the Pearce situation, he feels we don’t have the cap space for Pearce.

I asked even if we release Green and he replied saying ‘maybe, but I have heard they are very tight cap wise’.


Reserve Grader
Interestingly I asked Buzz on his blog today about the Pearce situation, he feels we don’t have the cap space for Pearce.

I asked even if we release Green and he replied saying ‘maybe, but I have heard they are very tight cap wise’.

It's hard to believe looking at the squad and their actual values that we are close to the cap.....................unless we are paying massive overs on a lot of players.

Anyone know if there is any accurate information out there on each players contract?


Interestingly I asked Buzz on his blog today about the Pearce situation, he feels we don’t have the cap space for Pearce.

I asked even if we release Green and he replied saying ‘maybe, but I have heard they are very tight cap wise’.

This post confirms that buzz has no idea about the situation. Of cause we will release Green if we sign Pearce. As if we would have both in the squad. Why would he say "maybe" after we release Green after saying we don't have the cap space. This doesn't make sense.


Living in the demountable.
Our bench would be a mix of Poo, Hastings or Cullen, Perrett, AFB, Lane, Darcy and Kelepi/Sipley, yet the Roosters are saying MITCH PEARCE can start off the bench and they are fine/under the cap and there is nothing to see here..?

The Who

Journey Man
Perhaps the upgrades to the Treb boys consumed the Snake/Matai money, maybe we are still paying for Myles and the rest is going to upgrades?
It's not the first time we've heard that we are tight cap wise... Maybe there's truth to it.
I've read various reports that Snake/Matai were being paid somewhere between $1.3--1.7-Million. Now, just say you gave the Turbos pay increases of $400,000 each - which is substantial on top of their existing contracts - then that still leaves a heap of money over. Plus there is an NRL increase in the cap which should easily take care of payment upgrades to other players - notably Api, Uate, Frankenstein, Sirro and some Under 20s - plus our two modest purchases, Jack Rabbit and The Croak.
I don't understand why we'd still be paying for Myles.
So, I am mystified why we don't have $800,000 or so space in the cap. It is particularly galling when it seems clubs such as the Donkeys, Easts and Cronulla can buy anyone.


First Grader
A regular at work said he ran into an x knight player the other day and was told Pearce will not be released to manly . He went on to say that politis wouldn't let him go to manly because pearce at manly would make us an automatic top 4 side and , that he doesn't want . I said Pearce can go where he wants if released and he said if its to manly the roosters will keep him . Dont know how much truth is in this , but it wouldn't surprise me .


In for the long haul.
2016 Tipping Competitor
Tipping Member
A regular at work said he ran into an x knight player the other day and was told Pearce will not be released to manly . He went on to say that politis wouldn't let him go to manly because pearce at manly would make us an automatic top 4 side and , that he doesn't want . I said Pearce can go where he wants if released and he said if its to manly the roosters will keep him . Dont know how much truth is in this , but it wouldn't surprise me .
What does Politis have over the NRL that he's consistently able to get away with whatever **** he wants?
Serious question.


First Grader
What does Politis have over the NRL that he's consistently able to get away with whatever **** he wants?
Serious question.
When you find out please let me know . I know the x knight player he was talking about as was apparently in town over the weekend.

Deleted member 26876

Guys we have money in our cap, surely. Of course he'll say that there is word our cap space is tight when one or two unreliable sources such as the lurker have stated such. We were targeting both Moylan and Thompson at the same time, in other words WE ARE FINE, chillax fellow silveratilians

Deleted member 26876

Donkeys/East's have a plethora of legal tpas so comparing us to them is pointless. We will never have that financial backing unless Gorman can really turn things around.

Sharks did a player swap with Maloney/Moyza and again with Dugan/Bird so I don't think there's too much to that.

All depends what the Turbos were being paid before the upgrades. I would say they were on peanuts prior to re-signing.
If they went from a combined $300k to 1.6m ($900+$700) then Snake/Matai money is gone.
Upgrades to all the key players could easily account for the increase in cap.

I don't like the idea of it either but there has been a bit of noise about us being tight. Didn't Baz even say the he expects the 2018 squad to be reasonably similar to this year?...
I have no idea, just having a stab in the dark based on some comments about our cap situation.
Myles's money and Lawrence's makes for around 700K alone, which, though chopped into with depth signings of current is still enough when combined by how much money we'd have had in the cap beforehand. If Green leaves on top of that as well, with a bit of Pearce's contract to be used with TPA's you'd think we'd have surplus cap space to fit him in

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