So, you do speak for Europe? You did experience these riots? You have first hand evidence of any of your “facts”?
No you dont, you have an opinion formulated from either mainstream or YouTube media. Sorry mate it’s just not the truth.
I was concerned about Paris when I last went, I’d watched videos and read stories about the “slums” that had been setup around stations like the Stalingrad metro stop, my hotel my work had booked was right there, I’d been there many times since 1998. I was concerned given the hype, I got there and it was just the same I walked through the metro and the streets and I had no concerns.
I tell my wife who fears many of these things. Go experience it, see it, react to it and do something about it, if you only want to observe 2nd or 3rd hand then your opinion is only noise. Be part of the problem or part of the solution.
The world is an awfully big place, it gets smaller but your opinion is a grain of sand on the floor of the sea.
Now tell me your first hand experience or just say you have an opinion. There is no shame in just having an opinion, in fact it’s what makes us diverse and rich. There is a problem with opinion being announced as fact