^ Again, appreciate your passion, lurker, and all your points are valid. The only thing I'd argue about is that I don't think Tooves was given an opportunity to make succession plans because he wasn't given any sort of a role in player recruitment and retention. He's been kept out of the loop. That's probably because the powers that be thought the previous coach was a control freak and had too much power. As a result Tooves wasn't given enough.
Really, I think he was on a hiding to nothing when he took the job. If he did well, it was all because he inherited a great team (he also inherited the mess Hasler left behind); if he failed he was dismantling Des's legacy. Even by winning, he couldn't win.
I think he's done a great job in the circumstances and he's done his best to hold Manly together through some difficult times. He'll be the fall guy, and, being the man he is, he'll probably take it on the chin - just another sacrifice to make for the good of the club and the team.