There’s no doubt the club is looking forward not back.
Us sausage roll eating numpties who whinge , bitch , moan & groan about the slightest change to anything is living in the past.
I get 110% all the comments , I hate the 6 agains , I hate this rule , I hate how they are changing the game, I hate the music at the games , I hate there’s no paper ticket any more , blah blah blah!!
I get those comments , because at 69 that’s me in a nutshell.
They are selling out games, why ??
Simple , much like cricket they are trying to make game day like a Big Bash event AND the young ones LOVE IT.
With no disrespect to Wayne and his role maybe the club sees the future in Tik Tok, Instagram , Snapchat etc etc and engaging these fans that way rather than in the old fashioned way.
It’s the changing times I’m afraid.