On a side note, do people realise Humphreys resigned 31 march 2022 (accepted 1 April 2022), and the start date of the new CEO will be 1 August 2022 (4 MONTHS) after the seat was vacated.
What are people's thoughts on that ?
My response/perspective to this post: -
- Stephen Humphreys tendered his resignation on the evening 31 March 2022.
- Tony Mestrov was appointed 1 June 2022.
The period of time that had elapsed between the former and the latter was 61 days.
In those 61 days I would assume the Board would have conducted a campaign via an agency or accepted direct contact to the Board for an appropriately qualified candidate and at the same time, they would have formed a recruitment sub-committee.
Ryan with your level of acumen let's assume that it would take 14-21 days to cull the field down to preferred candidates and the sub-committee would then complete their assessment of these candidates (essentially a second interview) over the coming 7-14 days (noting that some applicants may be in a precarious position of not wanting their current employer to know about their possible move); that is the first 30-35 days done.
Over the next 7-10 days the sub-committee would complete their final checks on the list of preferred candidates and some, at this time, may elect to withdraw (best case we are at day 37, worse case we are at day 45).
A board meeting is held, even at short notice, a ranking of the candidates is presented to the Board, a candidate is approved and an offer made (allow 2 days after the end of the aforementioned period, so we are either at day 39 or day 47).
If we are to accept the Board made an offer on Day 39 and there are some final negotiations on any nuances with respect to the candidate's TRP, terms and conditions of employment it may take 5 days to resolve, we are at day 44 or day 52.
So to be fair to the Club there was not an inordinate period of time to announce the new CEO's appointment.
In lieu of the appointment I am sure Tony would have had to notify Greyhound Racing NSW and assume he did so the evening before the announcement was made (31 May 2022) with a standard 8 week notice period (served or paid) it falls into line that his commencement date would be around the end of July or early August 2022 (it is 1 August 2022).
The article posted by Isz confirms that Tony was gainfully employed until today (29 July 2022).
So to be fair it would appear the time taken was not excessive and the counter complaint to this position would be that the Board "rushed" the appointment of a new CEO and they would be lambasted for that as well.