If you're referring to the inclusivity jersey I reckon you might wanna consider our geographical representation and correlating political electorates same-sex marriage plebiscite results. This is an arguably relevant piece of data (
Mackellar 68%, Warringah 75% YES) with potential applicable uses regarding the topic and our club within the local community.
In all honesty I do not have enough information available to make an informed opinion, as such I am reluctant to comment on his performance without allowing fair time for the issue to play out first. As it stands I don't believe the players have stated their positions publicly? I acknowledge the topic's mainstream coverage and highly politicised debate concerning cultural, religious and other social sensitivities leaving my own views susceptible to bias and blind-spots. The lack of accurate information requires me to act with consideration, in good faith and allow benefit of the doubt due to the hospital-pass nature of the appointment. The topic of discussion is bigger than the 7 players, club and game elevating scrutiny outside our traditional rugby league channels, but perhaps more importantly restricting the club's ability to exert influence controlling the narrative.
I'm personally mildly optimistic his last role with Greyhounds NSW may have prepared him with exactly the skills needed for a footy club in our position after overseeing a spectacular resurgence of NSW greyhound racing, following the NSW government’s reversed ban of the sport back in 2016. My knowledge of him beyond the available media is cursory at best, I can only assume he has performed strongly within a hostile environment given my limited insight and understanding.
Outside the generic executive expectations I'm interested to see what value he can bring to the organisation in light of the recent Brookvale upgrade, assuming the $33 million investment puts any additional government investment further down the line? Circling back to electorates, perhaps Warringah's recent federal election result has provided additional, unforeseen political lobbying opportunities to capitalise on in any attempt at influencing votes back to the traditionally Liberal held seat? His seemingly successful experience interacting with state government departments and regulators in common industries like liquor and gaming has him positioned attractively.
In the spirit of baseless internet forum speculation perhaps his statement was deliberately worded in anticipation of a predictable response which can be used to frame the discussion and resume control moving forward? Appealing to a specific demographic identified as key targets to influence the discussion may require a partisan approach like this depending on the desired outcome. I quietly hope this is a calculated strategy given his preparation allowed under current circumstances, his actions should be carefully considered given this. As I previously said it's certainly entertaining for a casual observer given his choice of words, whether they're appropriate given the aforementioned concerns is yet to be determined.
With all this said I'd still rather talk about footy than explore identity politics with you
@chuckee because even if we disagree on this particular thing, I'm sure we have way more areas of common interest
Apart from this do you have any other insights on Tony Mestrov and his business executive experience?