To clarify your point,
@AndWeDon'tCare on Mestrov standing up to "a certain player-manager." Is this point related explicitly to releases that Tartak asked for, for some of his clients? Do you know precisely how many asked for releases?
I don't accept that Mestrov would be particularly happy with his performance so far, considering the multi-faceted challenges that have arisen and the agitation by a number of the parties that you speak of, notwithstanding the fact that he has had to operate in a highly chaotic environment.
I also don't believe Mestrov would have accepted this job if it was only to act as a functionary for Penn. However, at this stage, it also looks like he doesn't have the power and authority to act as independently as I thought he would in reshaping internal dynamics? Is this related to limitations in his contract, or is it based on the time and energy he is putting into suppressing internal machinations and limiting leaks from and through, the very executives you speak about? Further to that does Bonasera stay in place at MWSE, or do we seem him being moved on as well?