Cops to appeal Todd Carney verdict
POLICE are set to appeal the lenient sentence that allowed Roosters star Todd Carney to keep his licence, despite pleading guilty to drink driving.
In a decision that has stunned road safety advocates, P-plater Carney escaped with a section 10 ruling by Magistrate Jaqueline Milledge, allowing him to keep his licence after pleading guilty to low-range drink driving.The 24-year-old, who was arrested on February 26, was previously suspended from driving in 2007 after a drunken police chase in the ACT.
Ms Milledge placed Carney on a 24-month bond, declaring "he will not lose his licence".
"NSW police intend to refer the matter to the DPP for consideration of appeal," Police Prosecutions commander Superintendent Tony Trichter said yesterday.