The Chinese Conspiracy.
Starting rumours is not my go.
But unless I am mistaken, when the drama of guests of Tim's were asked to show ID to get into the private box, one of them was quoted as being a businessman with strong Chinese connections. Why was he upset that they were asked to show ID ... a simple and normal request I would have thought.
Tim, as Principal of Saint Augustine's oversaw and orchestrated many years of multi, multi millions worth of Chinese students coming to study at both Augustines and Stella Maris, not to mention the many other Catholic campuses. This is big business and these kids are the offspring some rich and powerful families in China. Relationships would have been cemented with facilitators, parent and students (many who would now be successful adults).
Only 5 possibilities (I am sure there are others) readily enter my head
1) The Chinese connected businessman was just a mate getting a freebie.
2) Chinese Investment is an agenda item
3) Tim wishes to make DCE a household name in Peking.
4) He is considering taking a game to China.
5) ... I forgot 5
Disclaimer ... I am in no way suggesting any corrupt or inappropriate dealings.