Three players set to be targeted by ASADA over use of banned peptide CJC-1295

The article above mentions gamma oryzanol as a legal substance, but is it on the WADA banned list?

edit - it was above when I typed in my post! 😉
Masked Eagle said:
The article above mentions gamma oryzanol as a legal substance, but is it on the WADA banned list?

edit - it was above when I typed in my post! 😉

I'd be surprised if it was.

Basically it comes from rice bran husks and there's no conclusive proof it does anything for you except maybe reduce cholesterol.
No, it's not on the banned list, so it must be something else but, searching the web, there's no indication of what else is in 'Body Builder'.

As the previous post suggested, there is no proven benefit in any of the clinical trials conducted. However it is banned for use in horse racing, even though clinical trials on horses also proved inconclusive.
Hamster Huey said:
Already 24hrs later the news on the police matter is an afterthought in the days reporting across the country at large; the latest sports related 'controversy' has already overtaken it with the 'Waterhouse' debate taking up airtime.

Put simply, while the police matter is a concern in general, it's not forefront in the mind of Joe Public and thus the (social) media runs quiet on it. Nobody is looking for a public exclusive to out a player, official and/or club.

That there is the crux of the difference xHamster.

It is only massive overreactions from the footy fans - from people like you Hamster - that gives this story any life. Stop speculating and the story dies on its arse.

If there is such a thing as defamation of the innocent here, the Vic Police story "defames" 30 times more innocent police than the ASADA story "defames" NRL players.

It is only the emotional reactivity of league fans that gives this story any legs. You are puppets of the likes of Rothfield every time you react.

The moral: stop wetting your pants (you and others like you) - simply wait for the outcome - and the story will die on its arse. Exactly what I've been telling you all along.
Rex said:
Hamster Huey said:
Already 24hrs later the news on the police matter is an afterthought in the days reporting across the country at large; the latest sports related 'controversy' has already overtaken it with the 'Waterhouse' debate taking up airtime.

Put simply, while the police matter is a concern in general, it's not forefront in the mind of Joe Public and thus the (social) media runs quiet on it. Nobody is looking for a public exclusive to out a player, official and/or club.

That there is the crux of the difference xHamster.

It is only massive overreactions from the footy fans - from people like you Hamster - that gives this story any life. Stop speculating and the story dies on its arse.

If there is such a thing as defamation of the innocent here, the Vic Police story "defames" 30 times more innocent police than the ASADA story "defames" NRL players.

It is only the emotional reactivity of league fans that gives this story any legs. You are puppets of the likes of Rothfield every time you react.

The moral: stop wetting your pants (you and others like you) - simply wait for the outcome - and the story will die on its arse. Exactly what I've been telling you all along.

I didn't realise it was my reach to the millions of Australians, that generated such a backlash to the report release.

I'll also be sure to tell Ray, Phil (x2) and the plethora of right-wing media types that I have regular meetings with, that they should stop listening to my clearly outlandish concerns on the matter, and cease fueling the fire.

I should be more mindful of what my Uncle Ben used to say to me; "With great power, comes great responsibility."

Now excuse me while I get on the blower to the editor of Inside Sport and advice them to lay off the matter, and that the publications recent comment on the matter is clearly unhelpful.

Rex said:
That there is the crux of the difference xHamster.

And I hope Dan is getting some advertising revenue from that site given the recent increase in exposure to it via the various comments of our learned contributors.
NRL blood passports to start soon: report

April 6, 2013 - 7:49AM


The NRL is expected to start its biological passport program within a month, as part of its response to the doping controversy hanging over the game.

Up to 70 players, including Australia and State of Origin stars, will have blood samples taken to help rugby league's fight against doping.

Instead of detecting the prohibited substance or methods used, an Athlete Biological Passport (ABP) aims to look at the effects of blood doping from multiple samples taken over time.

"There is still some work to finalise but we'll be in a position to make some firm announcements in the near future," NRL chief executive David Smith told The Daily Telegraph.

"It's an area in which we've made significant progress.

"The Integrity Unit has been working closely with ASADA (Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority), the clubs and the Rugby League Players' Association to ensure we are in the best position to protect the game from emerging threats in that area."

The report added that only 17 per cent of contracted NRL players are set to initially take part in the ABP testing.

World Anti-Doping Agency president, Australian John Fahey, welcomed the move and urged other football codes to follow suit.

Cycling adopted the ABP strategy in the wake of the Lance Armstrong doping scandal with 700 riders holding biological passports which are tested regularly.

ASADA officials are interviewing over 30 NRL players as part of their investigation into drug use in Australian sport.
Those still wetting their pants over trivialities won't see the significance of fundamental changes like these. Well done the NRL (& ASADA).
It's from the worm so believe what you want

Hasler, Dank nearly became partners-

Des Hasler was so impressed with sports scientist Stephen Dank during their time together at Manly he was looking to go into business with him. Hasler's 2008 premiership at Manly and their dominance in later years has rightly been credited to the players and the coach - but the man who received little praise and who did not seek any of the glory was Dank.

Hasler was pushing to own the intellectual property related to the high-performance unit at the Eagles. Dank was then leading the way in training methods, the use of GPS equipment and hyperbaric recovery … and he was also famously using calves' blood. But at that point peptides were not part of his equation. He was doing genetics work, which is what Hasler was interested in. Hasler was showing enormous foresight by wanting to become involved.

His plan was to develop a blueprint for high-performance units and sell them to clubs in Australia and overseas. And as they were on-sold, Dank's role was to continue to develop his HPU at the Sea Eagles so it could be an evolving business. They had a falling-out when Dank wanted to overhaul the HPU and Hasler said the club had no money. Hasler took two members of the HPU at Manly to the Bulldogs - there is no doubt that if Dank had softened his stance, the coach would have also given Dank a role at Canterbury.

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The important part of that story....."But at that point peptides were not part of his (Dank) equation. He was doing genetics work, which is what Hasler was interested in".....
Rex said:
Those still wetting their pants over trivialities won't see the significance of fundamental changes like these. Well done the NRL (& ASADA).


Who anywhere has indicated that the likes of 'passports' and other risk mitigation strategies wouldn't be a great development?

Surely you're not trying to demonise others opinions on separate matters, with vague or misleading associations, are you?
If you were amongst the first players to be called for meetings with ASADA it would like being sent to the gallows.

The NRL faces the prospect of players being stood down on a daily or weekly basis if the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority finds sufficient evidence to charge them with using performance-enhancing drugs.

With ASADA investigators due to begin interviewing up to 14 Cronulla players this week, there is the possibility that the first doping charges will be laid soon.

NRL chief executive Dave Smith recently announced that ASADA would interview 31 current NRL players and about 10 former players, many of who are thought to be playing in the English Super League competition.

Rather than wait until ASADA has interviewed all of the players to decide which ones face charges, Fairfax Media has been told that they will begin charging individuals as soon as they have enough evidence. By doing so, the process will move at a faster pace as anti-doping hearings may be able to take place while interviews with other players continue. While it is likely to ensure weeks of bad publicity for the code, that is inevitable if players are charged and dozens of hearings are required.

Advertisement However, some clubs may have to endure the prospect of losing players on a gradual basis as they are stood down after being issued with infraction notices by the NRL.

Fairfax Media has been told that ASADA will interview the players it has the strongest cases against first, and if some players are charged quickly, it may encourage others to confess.

Under NRL anti-doping rules, players are required to submit for interviews and co-operate with the ASADA investigations or face suspension. The NRL has delegated the responsibility for investigating doping violations to ASADA, but conducts any drugs tribunal hearings that arise.

Once ASADA investigators believe they have enough evidence to charge a player, the case will be forwarded to the anti-doping rule-violation panel, comprising of lawyers, doctors and other experts, to decide whether to proceed.

If that occurs, ASADA puts the player on the register of findings and the NRL is advised to issue an infraction notice to the player.

The infraction notice will outline the mandatory penalty, which is usually two years under World Anti-Doping Agency guidelines if the player is found guilty, as well as other options available to him. Among them are a reduction of up to 75 per cent if he provides substantial assistance to help ASADA build a case against someone else.

The player, who can have a lawyer or other adviser - including his parents - at the interviews, will also have the option to challenge the decision to charge him through the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

Cronulla coach Shane Flanagan said after Saturday night's 13-6 loss to Parramatta that the drugs investigation was beginning to take a toll on his team's preparation.

After meeting with their lawyers last Thursday, the players were told that formal interviews with ASADA investigators had been requested and Flanagan said the Sharks were being limited to one full training session a week.

''We are not preparing well enough because there is too much stuff going on off the field,'' he told ABC radio. ''One session or one-and-half sessions a week is OK, but these players are distracted and you can understand why. I can't give an answer or any clarification on when it is going to be cleared up.''

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I think the passport thing is a good idea. But only testing 70 is a joke. Random test work reasonably well because every player is a chance of being tested. Obviously random tests don't catch everything but all players are on notice.
If they serious about the passport. They should test everyone in the 25 squad. The top 400 players. It costs more but shows they are proactive. Just a token effort by the NRL.
Why doesn't the ARLC get some balls and rip up their agreement to follow ASADA & WADA?

The damage that is being done to the game is far worse than the pain and damage of this witch hunt fishing expedition of an investigation.

We now know no club systematically doped and no team won a premiership doped.

And what is 'doped' in this current crisis anyway?

So far it seems to be the taking of recovery aiding supplements that aren't named as banned but some think might now fall under the banned test and others don't think the supplements qualify as banned at all. On a scale of 1 to 10 of "drug cheating" that is nearer 0 or 1 not a 10.

League is a team sport not individual athletes like swimming or cycling.

For all this speculation the NRL players collectively are being branded drug cheats, a code in crisis being ripped apart and the code's image is being trashed.

Just rip the ASADA agreement up and tell them to get out of rugby league. Then replace it with our own ARLC testing scheme like the NFL do.
Brissie Kid said:
Why doesn't the ARLC get some balls and rip up their agreement to follow ASADA & WADA?

The damage that is being done to the game is far worse than the pain and damage of this witch hunt fishing expedition of an investigation.

We now know no club systematically doped and no team won a premiership doped.

And what is 'doped' in this current crisis anyway?

So far it seems to be the taking of recovery aiding supplements that aren't named as banned but some think might now fall under the banned test and others don't think the supplements qualify as banned at all. On a scale of 1 to 10 of "drug cheating" that is nearer 0 or 1 not a 10.

League is a team sport not individual athletes like swimming or cycling.

For all this speculation the NRL players collectively are being branded drug cheats, a code in crisis being ripped apart and the code's image is being trashed.

Just rip the ASADA agreement up and tell them to get out of rugby league. Then replace it with our own ARLC testing scheme like the NFL do.
They can't rip up the agreement unfortunately, if they did rugby league would lose govt funding and Australia wouldn't be able to compete in RL internationals or world cup
RL Gronk said:
Brissie Kid said:
Why doesn't the ARLC get some balls and rip up their agreement to follow ASADA & WADA?

The damage that is being done to the game is far worse than the pain and damage of this witch hunt fishing expedition of an investigation.

We now know no club systematically doped and no team won a premiership doped.

And what is 'doped' in this current crisis anyway?

So far it seems to be the taking of recovery aiding supplements that aren't named as banned but some think might now fall under the banned test and others don't think the supplements qualify as banned at all. On a scale of 1 to 10 of "drug cheating" that is nearer 0 or 1 not a 10.

League is a team sport not individual athletes like swimming or cycling.

For all this speculation the NRL players collectively are being branded drug cheats, a code in crisis being ripped apart and the code's image is being trashed.

Just rip the ASADA agreement up and tell them to get out of rugby league. Then replace it with our own ARLC testing scheme like the NFL do.
They can't rip up the agreement unfortunately, if they did rugby league would lose govt funding and Australia wouldn't be able to compete in RL internationals or world cup

I don't think the Fed Govt funding is an issue in light of the recent TV deal, but the inability to play at an International level is the stopper.

The IRLF is a signed up federation with WADA.
Hamster Huey said:
I don't think the Fed Govt funding is an issue in light of the recent TV deal, but the inability to play at an International level is the stopper.

The IRLF is a signed up federation with WADA.

Easy fix. The ARLC signs the Kangaroos up to ASADA agreement but not the NRL competition or Origin. No different to what happens in the USA with basketball where the NBA is not signed up but the USA Olympics team is. The NBA players have to meet WADA standards when they are training or playing for the USA team but not when its NBA competition time.

In the USA the pro sports there aren't stupid enough to risk their businesses on the say so of government authorities and WADA.
Hamster Huey said:
Rex said:
Those still wetting their pants over trivialities won't see the significance of fundamental changes like these. Well done the NRL (& ASADA).


Who anywhere has indicated that the likes of 'passports' and other risk mitigation strategies wouldn't be a great development?

Surely you're not trying to demonise others opinions on separate matters, with vague or misleading associations, are you?

If there was one thing I was ever certain of, it was that Hamster would be first in line to take personal offence at this.

Of course those with the emotional regulation of two year olds will claim that the NRL's introduction of blood passports has nothing at all to do with the "controversial" actions of ASADA, ACC, etc.
Wolfman shared his insight into the true cause of the issues affecting the players:

Winger Williams said the increasingly harsh media spotlight which is doing irreparable damage to the Sharks' season was lamentable and also showed a compassionate side.

"It'd certainly be a big battle down there with everything that's going on," Williams said.

"There's enough distractions in rugby league as it is let alone with all the crap that's gone on down there.

"... I feel for them, it's certainly something that they don't need to be going through.

"I think it's a media facade going on at the moment and hopefully they come through."


And without the emotional knee-jerk responses from readers who mindlessly swallow everything they are told by the likes of Rothfield & co, how long could the media continue pointing the finger of responsibility at others?

How long would these stories last if readers saw through media spin?

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