SeaEagleRock8 said:
Ah yes, I think I see your point Rex – this announcement
before they have all the evidence, it does remind me of something... :huh:
And what a slur on all Victorian police...
... obviously a political stunt
Top cop admits Vic police links to bikies
BY:BY DANIEL FOGARTY From: AAP March 27, 2013 5:54PM
Victoria Police has launched an internal probe after claims that bikies have infiltrated the force. Source: AAP
VICTORIAN police are being corrupted by outlaw motorcycle gangs because of criminality, naivety or stupidity by officers, the state's top officer says.
Chief Commissioner Ken Lay says there is intelligence that is of concern regarding the relationship between police officers and bikies.
"There are a number of current investigations ongoing. There is also intelligence that is causing both myself and my senior executive team considerable concern about some of the emerging issues," he told reporters in Melbourne.
"Often these issues are around criminality, often they're around naivety and often they are around stupidity.
"But in each case there is evidence of outlaw motorcycle gangs trying to reach inside Victoria Police and affecting the way we do our business."
Mr Lay said less than 10 police were currently being investigated for links to bikies.
But he conceded outlaw motorcycle gangs were good at what they did and understood what information they needed to get and how to get it.
Announcing a new taskforce had been set up within the professional standards command (formerly ethical standards department) to uncover corrupt police, Mr Lay said the threat might not be immediate, but he had to act to stamp it out now before it got worse.
"If we have members of Victoria Police that are compromised by these gangs it puts at risk the integrity of the organisation for a very long time," he said.
My point re:Rex was that the ASADA and VIC Police investigations are very different beasts which were always bound to be handled
outside the respective investigations differently.
There is no huff and puff from any State or Fed politicians looking to make a profile for themselves, on the Vic Police matter.
There was no 'dark days' style rhetoric by the head of Vic Police on the matter.
The Vic Police matter has already caught and dealt with at least two instances directly related to the problem, prior to this announcement. This matter isn't just about 'risk', which was highlighted; it also was about results that have already been achieved.
The issue does not raise widespread concern about the police force in this country which will have far reaching impacts across the police ranks. The language purposely kept a lid on the OTT rhetoric and gave little room for the media to speculate further.
The matters concerned with the police are not going to result in the social media world lighting up with rumour, speculation and a host of people implicated based on that.
The media hoards are not going to descend on the local station or area commands and prod around for more info, then just make something up if they can't find something to talk about.
Already 24hrs later the news on the police matter is an afterthought in the days reporting across the country at large; the latest sports related 'controversy' has already overtaken it with the 'Waterhouse' debate taking up airtime.
Put simply, while the police matter is a concern in general, it's not forefront in the mind of Joe Public and thus the (social) media runs quiet on it. Nobody is looking for a public exclusive to out a player, official and/or club.
There is confidence that the police will manage this appropriately and the noting of convictions already carried out, lends weight to the release by Vic Police in their assessment of the situation.
There is so little to compare the manner of both of these releases, that I'm surprised that the likes of Rex aren't recognising that the well staged presser by the Vic Police
should have been what we got with any ASADA-based announcement.