Yeah it can be a hard read.
If Christians focused on Christ - what Christ actually taught - then Christian prejudice against gays would disappear. If homosexuality had been a real problem to JC then he would have been extremely explicit about it. And he wasn't.
The passages in the bible which have been used to justify prejudice against gays were written by people who didn't even meet the man. They are just other people writing from their own experiences. And we know that when push came to shove - at cruscifiction time, even the twelve disciples who lived 24/7 with Jesus and knew him best didn't come to grips with his teachings. So what hope people who never met him?
The old testament is Jewish scripture. The new testament is largely written by Paul and other writers who never met Christ and were neither quoting him nor summarising what he said or did.
Rex, as a Christian, I don't agree with the above at all. We could go all day back and forward about this. The bible is clear on what it defines as an appropriate relationship. The scriptures are written by God through men - both Old Testament and New. Paul was spoken to by Christ, regardless, the fact that he did not physically meet him has nothing to do with God's ability to use him and speak to him, or through him.
As to your point that the New Testament is largely written by others (outside of Paul), that never met Christ is also incorrect. Many other books of the New Testament were written by people who walked with Christ - John, Peter, Matthew, James and Jude (his brothers) - as for Mark and Luke - these two were not one of the 12 apostles; however, that does not mean that they never met Christ or heard him speak.
The bible is also clear on the fact that we are to love all people - that is true of heterosexuals and homosexuals. People who abuse anyone - gay or otherwise, who show hatred, commit physical abuse, or do not express the love of Christ to is not what being a Christian is about. That does not mean that we are to compromise our beliefs or to condone any form of sin - we do not, nor does God.
I can show love and care for a homosexual person and yet not support gay marriage nor the act of homosexuality. That may not resonate with you or others (and maybe it does), but it is showing that one can love a person without agreeing with their beliefs or actions. If this were not the case, and God did not hold this view then none of us would be loved by God as each and everyone of us has sin in their life.
I appreciate your views on things Rex; however, you have made some claims about the bible and Christianity that simply are not correct. Having said that, there are many people who claim to be Christian who display qualities that are anything but and unfortunately that causes a great deal of harm.
As has been mentioned by a few posters already, this isn't a footy thread anymore so I will leave it there.