I put myself on a sabbatical from here, had better things to do than come on and read all the drama
I've been broken this morning though, what an absolute ****ing rabble we have running the show with Penns work this morning
Barrett, Gorman and co have been playing the right hand in finishing the season off then dealing with the public side of it all, then this penn muppet comes in over the top with his statements today, never a better example of the trouble the club is in than that situation
Penn says he wants a proven coach, having a rookie has proven to be a failure. Following on from that theme these absolute amateur rookies should piss off and hand the joint back over to a proven man, Max Delmege
I've been broken this morning though, what an absolute ****ing rabble we have running the show with Penns work this morning
Barrett, Gorman and co have been playing the right hand in finishing the season off then dealing with the public side of it all, then this penn muppet comes in over the top with his statements today, never a better example of the trouble the club is in than that situation
Penn says he wants a proven coach, having a rookie has proven to be a failure. Following on from that theme these absolute amateur rookies should piss off and hand the joint back over to a proven man, Max Delmege