הנשרים ישרור בעוד שנתיים מיום הנשרים
Out of all the crackdowns and rule changes the NRL has implemented this year, none have addressed this most pressing issue. If this extreme violence is perpetrated against my eyes for much longer I might have to listen to the game on radio instead.Of course the elephant in the room is the haircut. So bad that it's made me notice the the dos of players throughout the NRL. I have now come to the conclusion that this is the worst year for haircuts since the 1970s.
What is with the mullet anyway? Does Papali’i actually think his Billy-Ray homage is appealing? I’d rather watch the dehydration process of iguana excrement.
If you want to express yourself...do it down the local pub on Karaoke Tuesdays and not on top of your noggn'.
Seriously...each Ref should carry an electric razor...
Ref: '"you're on report Mr Arrow!"
JA: "Why? I didn't touch his head."
Ref: "It's your head that's in breach Beavis....penalty! Head shave!"

OK, I'm done.