I do agree with you to some extent but I'll try my best to reword it, in simpler terms.
Choc was a known dickhead, not exactly renowned for his intellectual prowess. He lashed out after watching that team get absolutely dismantled by the circus that was Chez and his backflip. He was resentful towards him personally for not considering the team after confronting him directly, fair enough it's business, but these were the guys who walked so Chez could run.
Given Choc's lack of ability to articulate his feelings in a diplomatic matter which Chez is a master at he did come off looking like a broken, salty player at the time.
10 years later and his words are pretty spot on if you listen and for lack of a better term, hear past his personality. He was never going to eloquently express himself and the situation, I'd equate it with representing yourself in court. In an industry where you can't exactly turn up with receipts to rat on people or you're marked for life Choc was never going to get his point across - it's the footy equivalent of snitching, players have an 'omerta' if you didn't know.
I guess I'm simply saying if we look at exactly what he said, and has kept saying regarding Chez it has certainly lacked nuance however, his crude assessment is fairly accurate if you apply it to what has transpired before and what's happening now.
I don't mean to come off as some pseudo-intellectual so I apologise if it reads like that, text doesn't really convey tone well and I genuinely enjoy your posts and our interactions frank. If you want to hear what he actually said you can find it at this
link. Keep in mind this was the interview where he walked in and asked "how controversial?" regarding the conversation, check out what Hello Sport said regarding it at this
link. Both of those links will go directly to the specific comments, no need to listen to hours of podcasts
I'll end my commentary by saying it's interesting to note who is coming out of the woodwork right now and what previously unheard speculation they have had to say about Chez. Pair that with what we already know, what I know myself and will never say, I think Choc was angry and lashing out because he gave a **** and was genuinely passionate which is why it came off looking really bad.
In hindsight though...