I thought there were some promising signs at the start of the season however in hindsight it may have been more to do with how stale we had become at the end of 2022. When you look at our results, and more importantly how we play, then I do not think we have improved under Siebold. Rumours abound about how he is a 'powerpoint coach', his relationship with a certain player agent etc etc. Whether these are true or not I can only judge Siebold on performance. AND the most disappointing thing for me is defensive structure, general play structure and effort. There has also been mentioned that he inherited "Des' squad". Well signing Woods, Arthur and Talou (rumoured) hasn't done a lot to inspire me. In fact they feel like backward moves. At this stage I would grade him a C. In stark contract have a look at the way the Warriors are playing under their new coach - and they do not have a stacked squad.