Another team will mean more younger players opportunities. There is heaps of talent out there and the younger stars that have come through over recent years is amazing. Not every kid with talent makes it but that has been the case since the year dot. I find it funny how one lack of success in Albert H is used as a mast to hoist the flag of lets keeping kids waiting until they are older particularly when we have had a number of successes with young players since. Brisbane's failure has been a good thing for the game because it meant the NRL could no longer remain in what was a comfort zone. Whilst the Queenslander love getting most of the Friday night games they wont watch the Donkeys get flogged each week and will stop tuning in. I hope the NRL try to achieve a structure that sees all teams having a chance to be seriously competitive rather than the social classes that presently exist with a handful of upper class (wealthy and influential) clubs, middle class clubs and the rest. That is a poor and short term business model. They won't achieve it with the currently shambles that is called a salary cap. The point system advocated by mark from brisbane on this forum makes sense and would provide transparency. But it appears that transparency like consistency is overrated by those that make the decisions.