Good to hear that you are eating healthy feathered friend and keep up your dedication towards good health so you can enjoy seeing Many Manly games in Many years to came !!!I've just eaten a carrot with some taramosalata.
Carrots Improve Vision so we can see Manly games clearer
They help prevent cancer so we can live longer to see more Manly games
They help prevent aging , promote healthier skin and help prevent infection
Taramosalata It's incredibly healthy due to the nutrients from the fish roe and the virgin olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil is rich in omega 9. Omega-9 benefits the heart, brain and overall health. Research has shown that omega 9 fatty acids can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Omega 9 benefits heart health because they have been shown to increase HDL cholesterol and decrease LDL cholesterol. This may help eliminate plaque buildup in the arteries.