byso do you have the stats on full time work??
because suprise suprise it has dropped at a greater rate than unemployment
if you actually read the reports on job figures you will find that out of the new jobs created the majority are part time, ie lower income jobs.
10 years ago the tax free threshold was $5400, the 47c threshold was 50K
now its 6K and 150K
one has gone up 10%, the other 300%
as for your dictionary reply to being a bigot - all that says is that i am in no way near the biggest bigot on the site as you claimed - it shows how much worse you are than me since your against everyone with a different political, age, income, community to yourself - **** youve ticked all the boxes at some stage on here multiple times.
it also says everyone is a bigot if you want to argue to the nth degree on it.