Phantar said:For Regan to suggest that it will somehow meet the requirements of an NRL team shows he is either being disingenuous because he has another agenda
If it wasn't for Regan using his casting vote to vote down the hare brained proposals of Kirsch, Laugesen and De Luca in relation to Brookvale Oval then the Sea Eagles would already be long gone. First they tried to block the Sea Eagles current licence that was agreed by the Administrator. Then they wanted to change the terms so the Sea Eagles paid a licence fee of 30% of all revenue from the ground plus they wanted to demand 30% of the TV rights relating to Brookvale Oval games from the NRL. They voted to not proceed with the $10 million works going on over the last few years (no doubt wanting to use the money for Bike tracks and community gardens).
Thankfully we had Regan, with his casting vote in the Sea Eagles corner. Regan, Julie Sutton, Jason Falinski, Bob Giltinan and Helen Wilkins have been the five Councillors sticking up for the Sea Eagles at every turn. You may not like everything Regan has done as Mayor, but the last thing we need is for Sea Eagles fans to be turning on him and the other four. Sea Eagles fans, particularly Warringah voters, should support them at every opportunity.
If you want to give it to someone, Kirsch, Laugesen, De Luca and Ray should be your targets.
As for Regan's comments on the concepts, he has to be publicly supportive. Council need to get the Development component of the proposal over the line if there is going to be any money for the ground. As the above highlights we have a highly politicised, split Council which means a lot of politicking has to go on. This includes seemingly unnecessary and costly consultation processes so that when something ultimately gets pushed through with the Mayor's casting vote after a 5-5 deadlock, there is less scope for the losers to whinge about the process.
Regan is well aware that the oval part of the concept plan still needs a lot of work. I think people are taking these drawings a little too literally. They are high level concept drawings and along way from final. You can rest assured there will be no Hill in front of the Jane Try stand in the final plans.