Unbelievable, Just unbelievable ...... What planet are you on? Seriously, what possible fxcken good can come from 1,000,000 people unemployed, 000s of businesses closed and a full blown recession because some Chinese people want to eat bats? You seem to forget that this is also an economic issue now and not just health. How can you not get that people are struggling big time at the moment and it's getting worse day by day and you sit there on your fat pompous arse judging other people by typing on your keyboard with **** like that? Seriously, this has confirmed to me that you are 1st class wanker. Give yourself a slap or two. You deserve it.
First off my reply was mainly focused on the importance of not underestimating the impact on the Healthcare system this virus will have---comments like “Social Experiment” by gender fluid Susan really comes across leaning far too much on protecting the Economy over the health of the nation.
My stats were there to illustrate how little change is required to overwhelm the healthcare system, yes you try and get a balancing act and not neglect the economy but the health care of the nation and it’s capacity to look after all illnesses comes first.
My comments in relation to the positives that will come out of this comes from many angles.
1) Hopefully more investment in Healthcare by all Govt’s across the globe---been well under funded for far too long.
2) The amount of global combined research into this virus and money invested I’m sure will lead to more combined efforts and financing funnelled towards many other illnesses/viruses etc speeding up cures and understanding.
3)A better understanding on how to best react when the next pandemic hits us, luckily this virus is not as deadly as SARS and MERS---this is our warning shot so lets learn from this and better prepare for a more deadly outbreak.
4)Yes the economy is bad but jobs will flourish again on recovery and in many different areas of the economy.
5)Many local manufacturers have struggled for a while now and are seeing a boost, maybe local businesses instead of importing 100% from overseas due to the lower cost of manufacturing might consider a better mix of (70/30 Import/Local) to be able to better whether/react to scenarios like this and currency fluctuations----this helps manufacturing in Australia and jobs.
6) Telecommunication jobs will see a short term boom.
7) Healthcare jobs will see a prolonged boom.
8) Maybe people out of work and needing funds will start selling on mass investment properties which may help lower housing prices---will probably start at Holiday homes and slowly work it’s way through all sectors.
9)NRL “might” actually become more financially stable and profitable from a lower cost base in the future for all clubs if they can weather the storm.
10) Technical Coach makes more money in the future off the back of this----so many opportunities but everyone's health and the healthcare system comes first before greed everyday of the week.
Oh and a few other things I wanted to mention:
A) If I hear another person describe it as “UnAustralian” in relation to the way people started loading up their shopping trolleys in fear I will probably think about expanding my Technical Coach job description to include tosser control services----it’s like saying “Us Aussies are a special kind and would never fall victim to such selfish survival modes”---shut the f^&k up seriously.
B)People who abuse sick days and don’t store them for a bad day, now reliant on the Govt for a handout---what is the point of living within your means or following the rules if you know the Govt is always going to lend those who don't a lending hand.
C) Many(i didn’t say “all” ok) people who live pay cheque to pay cheque or ones who are overly leveraged into the housing market(due to greed) and can’t really afford it, once again are going to receive way too much Govt assistance, f&rk that, take responsibility for your lives.
95% of the doom and gloom and positive stories on news media in relation to the crisis are just click bait crap----even the silly positive article that there was a 10% drop in new cases over one day was pure clickbait trash----just to differentiate from the doom and gloom.(A week of continued reductions of new cases is a genuine story not just one day)
Even the pictures of completely empty retail outlets and streets--- yeah waiting for the perfect shot of no people and cars around for greater headline story visual appeal. Yes retail is slow, yes there are less people around in shopping centers but not as empty as the pics suggest.
And what does playing out my lame ass nick once again have to do with the subject at hand, stick to the topic and leave out personal attacks.
Predictable that Susan jumped on the bandwagon of attack since he/she/gender fluid/gender neutral was taken to task on the “Social Experiment” comments, how on earth do people see my view points as more negative than what Susan has posted.
Things will start to improve in 2021, maybe even the back end of this year so chin up people and start to appreciate what you have, not what you don't.
Over and out…..