RLW - Monaghan is NRL's worst captain

RLW - Monaghan is NRL's worst captain

It is as sue has saidf for 12 months till he's blue in the face.

Ask any non-Manly fan what they think of Monaghan and they'll all say he's ****. Obviously partiality covers all manner of faults?

The reason I heard about the story is the guy in the newsagent saw Monaghan on the front cover of Big LEague and was laughing at him. Then told me that RLW had him as the worst NRL captain, adding "it's not often RLW get something right, but they have on this one".

He reckoned Monaghan was the worst thing to happen to Manly in 10 years.

I thought that was too big a call in light of the JV.
RLW - Monaghan is NRL's worst captain

Matabele, question please explain to me why Ricketson would be the best skipper?
RLW - Monaghan is NRL's worst captain

I would hardly say its the worst thing to happen to us.
RLW - Monaghan is NRL's worst captain

Byso waits for Matabele to answer a simply question......tap. tap. tap!
RLW - Monaghan is NRL's worst captain

Byso, I would imagine its the same old ****e. Chooks get all the good views because the money for league lyes in the heart of sydney. Simple. Give them good reviews and the NRL makes money.

Although I doubt Mata is the person we should be asking refering to your ricketson question. He was just the messenger.
RLW - Monaghan is NRL's worst captain

Flapabele thanks for the answer.

I'm wondering if the article "lacks credability" I'm sure Matabele can back up why Ricketson is a model captain. As stated by RLW.

Still waiting!
RLW - Monaghan is NRL's worst captain

The article lacks credibitlity from 1 - 14. From their on in my friend it is gospel.
RLW - Monaghan is NRL's worst captain

I don't agree with Ricketson being number one, especially as I know about his extra-curricular activites which RLW has conveniently chosen to ignore, especially in his role model rating.

However, I wholeheartedly agree that Monaghan is last.

Byso, are you really trying to say that Monaghan of 67 1st grade games, around 25 of them with Manly, is equal to Ricketson's standing in the game?
RLW - Monaghan is NRL's worst captain

I would say that Ricketson i one of the worst for the same reasons you stated and Monas is in the bottom 5 (only due to his media activities over the last couple of months)

But as an on field captain top 8 for me.

The article is a sham to have Ricketson at number 1. I can understand why you didn't initially have the list in your first post. 🙂
RLW - Monaghan is NRL's worst captain

Byso, would you also say that monaghan is a better on field motivator and negotiator then Ben Kennedy?
RLW - Monaghan is NRL's worst captain

Ok Byso - now, your kidding right?

Rickertson has represented State & Country, and given his heart to one club for a very, very long time. He has come out in the media, and said he would take a substantial pay cut to remain a Rooster. He is a QUALITY footballer, who's team lifts when he is on the park.

Now consider Michael Monaghan. I think the story is now put to bed.

Note Michael Monaghan has had to apologise officially in the media about the way he handled things.

If some girl is infatuated with Rickertson, so what?
RLW - Monaghan is NRL's worst captain

Ricketson 104
Price 103
Johns 101
Gower 100
KEarns 99
Lockyer 99
Prince 97
Harrison 97
Kimmorley 90
Norton 90
Barrett 90
Cayless 89
Ryan 88
Woolford 85
Monaghan 84 - Inspirational value 20, 2nd last, Durability 22, 4th last, Tougness 22, second last, Role model 20, stone motherless last.

Judges Wayne PEarce
Graham Lowe (Manly man)
David Middleton

The poll lacks credibility, to even suggest that MM comes 4th last in durability is riduculous, how many matches has missed this season? compare that most on that list and he is well in front of many, 2nd last when it comes to toughness, give me a break, he plays above his weight division, he doesn't shirk the defence, again compared to many on that list I rate him in the top 8. As far as role model is concerned, what is the criteria for rating that, he spends time each week at the Spastic Centre at Allambie Hts, is that not a good role model. Not eveything to do with being a good role model is to do with football, being a better person rates higher with me. As far as inspirational goes we were coming equal first in the comp after about 12 rounds, something was working for that to be achieved. As much as you want to blame MM now for all our woes, for me that means he must have been entitled to some credit when things were going well.

The whole poll is load of crock and is bearly deserving of a response.
RLW - Monaghan is NRL's worst captain

It should be called an opinion, with just 3 people surveyed.

I could survey Kaza, Pete and Byso and say that AE rates monas as 5th best and it would be just as true.
RLW - Monaghan is NRL's worst captain

Fluffy, how many internationals and how many football games have you played exactly?

Corso Pete, if they're taking a longer term view than this season then Monaghan's durability is correct. How many games did he play in 2003/4? How many did he miss?
RLW - Monaghan is NRL's worst captain

Ask Luke Odonnell how many monaghan missed, a broken jaw had a bit to do with that.

P.S. I'm no Monas fan, just dont think adding that in was really fair.
RLW - Monaghan is NRL's worst captain

Fluffy, how many internationals and how many football games have you played exactly?

Mark O'Meley has played a few internationals, does that mean he is in a better position to judge and analyse than anyone over 10?

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