Red Pill
Enthusiastic Amateur
I get this is a devil advocate view.Devil's Advocate.
We are a secular not a Christian (or any other religious) society.
In the latest census, just 43.9% of the population identified as Christian.
What if the 56.1% decided that this whole display of religion simply had to stop? That they've barely coped with having to drive past churches every day in every suburb, a constant reminder of the myriad of attrocities inflicted by the churches, attrocities which have led to a great deal of suffering and suicide.
They've said nothing about that but, hang on a sec!, what's this stuff creeping into Rugby League? Like all agenda driven activity, it started simply enough with the kiss to the sky after scoring a try. But then, what are all these crosses and Gods and Jesuses written on their wristbands, pushing their way of life in the face of those with a different way of life?
With the door slightly open they've pushed it further. Now all those who've been victims of these churches and the rest of us who have witnessed their suffering have to endure their further pushing of their agendas on television and at the ground with their very public prayer circles?
There is no getting away from their shoving of their way of life down our throats. We come to watch footy. Just footy. And suddenly it's something else altogether. We don't deserve this. We just wanna watch footy.
Anyway you kind of address your own point by the fact that the numbers are dropping I.e. below 50%. So the PR is not working I guess if that is what it is supposed to be… post try celebrating is in it self an interesting phenomenon.
Let’s hope we don’t really think that 50% plus of population believing in one thing means they simply by default dictate to the rest of the population on a particular matter 🙂. Very scary thought if this was the case.
Btw I am not sure comparing sexual desires vs religious belief is an apple to apple comparison. There are also a lot of gay Christians you know……
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