omnipotent beings discussion

I like that. You should go back through this thread and see how many strawman attacks on religion have been made here.

I would, but I have ascended to another level...I now represent the church of Mozgrame. As such...this all bores me. I'm just here for the giggles...and there are plenty to be had!!
I like that. You should go back through this thread and see how many strawman attacks on religion have been made here.

I would, but I have ascended to another level...I now represent the church of Mozgrame. As such...this all bores me. I'm just here for the giggles...and there are plenty to be had!!
True, plenty have been made, including by myself...but I have made efforts (especially with @Kevinward777 ) to try and move the conversation forward and I would much rather see an honest and respectful conversation than the trolling of the past. This way we can all, hopefully learn something.

*Also, would you like to detail the entry requirements and beliefs of your new founded church? I could be convinced to join 😉
Brilliant mate.

Cheers Kev! I got the idea from all the crap from youtube that gets posted here as some sort of if it hasn't been discussed to death already by theists.

Hey...what do you call those clowns that demand freedom and justice for all (as long as that goes along with their own beliefs) ? Oh yeah...Social Justice Warriors!!

So let me get this right @MuzztheEagle. When @mozgrame has a chuckle about atheism he’s being a Strawman, but when you do the very same thing, over and again about Christianity, that’s reasoned thinking? I’m certain I just viewed that very thought process being alluded to in the video he posted.

Edit: I just read @mozgrame’s post pointing this out.
True, plenty have been made, including by myself...but I have made efforts (especially with @Kevinward777 ) to try and move the conversation forward and I would much rather see an honest and respectful conversation than the trolling of the past. This way we can all, hopefully learn something.

*Also, would you like to detail the entry requirements and beliefs of your new founded church? I could be convinced to join 😉

Still working on empathy, Muzz? Any room for humility yet??
Cheers Kev! I got the idea from all the crap from youtube that gets posted here as some sort of if it hasn't been discussed to death already by theists.

Hey...what do you call those clowns that demand freedom and justice for all (as long as that goes along with their own beliefs) ? Oh yeah...Social Justice Warriors!!

I have to go out now unfortunately... damn, I can feel you slowly warming up.
Still working on empathy, Muzz? Any room for humility yet??
Sure, I thought I had already....but I'll take another shot:
At many points on here I've acted like a dick....I'm ashamed of that...and I'm very sorry.
I will also throw in that I don't know everything, there are many things I am clueless about and this would include specifically what it is that yourself, Kev and others believe and act based on your beliefs (which is why I ask the question). I am no better than any other human and am just as susceptible to the faults and biases that we all are.
So let me get this right @MuzztheEagle. When @mozgrame has a chuckle about atheism he’s being a Strawman, but when you do the very same thing, over and again about Christianity, that’s reasoned thinking? I’m certain I just viewed that very thought process being alluded to in the video he posted.

Edit: I just read @mozgrame’s post pointing this out.
Not trying to take the high road here...I said I was guilty in my own post. But I would like to see the conversation move on to more respectful and constructive ground.
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Funny but after all these years and tens of thousands of posts I rarely come on here , if you are discussing godliness on here I’ll have to frequent it more often, you know , just for a laugh!!

But I’d better not mention George Pell.
Always intrigues me Woodsie that one of the fundamental laws accepted by the three aligned religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam is 'Do not kill'. Yet somehow all three sanction slaughtering often innocent civilians in Holy Wars, Crusades and Jihads apparently because their gods told them to. Interesting paradox.
Wrong crusades were a defensive force sent to retake the holy land and stop muslim expansion into Europe. They attacked a Christian middle east so help was sent. You can defend yourself! There is no do not kill in islam they must kill to get to heaven filled with virgins with tig ol bitties and 80,000 young boys and a penis that never goes limp
Funny but after all these years and tens of thousands of posts I rarely come on here , if you are discussing godliness on here I’ll have to frequent it more often, you know , just for a laugh!!

But I’d better not mention George Pell.

Ooh ooh...hisss….STRAWMAN ARGUEMENT!!!! You can't use Pell to argue against religion as a whole. It's the same as someone saying, "Atheism is fundamentally wrong because...Joseph Stalin." spa spa aahhhh… reptile brain is awakening...HIIIIISSSSSSS!!!!!

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Okay @mozgrame ... sign me up for your religion ... I was going to go the Scientology route but they are really fussy about obeying their rule book .... I want a religion where I can do anything based on my interpretation of said rule book ... fair enough ...

PSS ... You don't sacrifice virgins do you ?
Given that there are people on here that don't seem to know how to label themselves...we have self proclaimed atheists that "lack a belief in a God" (that's an agnostic, you numbnuts!) and there are self proclaimed agnostics that do nothing but attack the idea of a God (that's an atheist, you numbnuts!) I thought I'd group you all together as atheists and have a look at your ideas.

Having investigated the subject of religion deeply, and believe stands out like dog's nuts that most, if not all of the anti- Gods on here have not even scratched the surface (Jeez that's ignorant of you, not to mention intellectually dishonest...if intellect came into play at all) I have some questions for the atheists.

You say atheism is an intellectual position. What reasons do you have for holding that position? You say your reasons are based upon logic and/or evidence or lack of it. So, is there any reason/evidence for you holding your position that you defend? Or do you believe your atheism require no evidence or reason?
Okay @mozgrame ... sign me up for your religion ... I was going to go the Scientology route but they are really fussy about obeying their rule book .... I want a religion where I can do anything based on my interpretation of said rule book ... fair enough ...

PSS ... You don't sacrifice virgins do you ?

At the COM (Church of Mozgrame) We don't like bullies. We tend to revert to the power of the paw when it comes to bullies. We tolerate wimps. We love all forms of music, we drink, we cheer on combat sports, we own guns and know that if the sh1t ever hit the fan...we could survive off the land.

We don't sacrifice virgins...some of us actually specialise in virgin conversions. The rest of us just like to listen to stories about said conversions.

Now...just like Gumpy...that's all I have to say about that.

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Given that there are people on here that don't seem to know how to label themselves...we have self proclaimed atheists that "lack a belief in a God" (that's an agnostic, you numbnuts!) and there are self proclaimed agnostics that do nothing but attack the idea of a God (that's an atheist, you numbnuts!) I thought I'd group you all together as atheists and have a look at your ideas.

Having investigated the subject of religion deeply, and believe stands out like dog's nuts that most, if not all of the anti- Gods on here have not even scratched the surface (Jeez that's ignorant of you, not to mention intellectually dishonest...if intellect came into play at all) I have some questions for the atheists.

You say atheism is an intellectual position. What reasons do you have for holding that position? You say your reasons are based upon logic and/or evidence or lack of it. So, is there any reason/evidence for you holding your position that you defend? Or do you believe your atheism require no evidence or reason?
Hey mate,
Ill offer some things up. Like you a bit i believe that i am god. I do not believe there are any gods outside of my own body. Does that make my an Atheist? Yes and no.
I spent a few years getting into philosophy and that is the background i approach spirituality/ religon.
I grew up going to catholic schools AND have read the bible. Been to far too many church services. I have also read a few books on Atheism by the usual suspects ( how many churchies who put crap on atheists have really looked into atheism, agnosticism etc?)
I regualary read up on the electric universe, carl munck, Hinduism, Buddhism, different/ abstract philosophy and yes the odd conspiracy theory.
I have many questions for christians but they never get answered, or cant be answered and all too often christians dont act like the jesus of the bible ( some great examples on here as i know you know) when you question them, but people do feel threatened when you start digging into their beliefs.

I really dont care that people get into religon but if their personal growth is inhibited by dogma or a narrow focus on one particular book i do feel sorry for them.

Happy to be proven wrong on anything but i do like to ask all the questions, to see things from all angles and that can make it hard.
Hey mate,
Ill offer some things up. Like you a bit i believe that i am god. I do not believe there are any gods outside of my own body. Does that make my an Atheist? Yes and no.
I spent a few years getting into philosophy and that is the background i approach spirituality/ religon.
I grew up going to catholic schools AND have read the bible. Been to far too many church services. I have also read a few books on Atheism by the usual suspects ( how many churchies who put crap on atheists have really looked into atheism, agnosticism etc?)
I regualary read up on the electric universe, carl munck, Hinduism, Buddhism, different/ abstract philosophy and yes the odd conspiracy theory.
I have many questions for christians but they never get answered, or cant be answered and all too often christians dont act like the jesus of the bible ( some great examples on here as i know you know) when you question them, but people do feel threatened when you start digging into their beliefs.

I really dont care that people get into religon but if their personal growth is inhibited by dogma or a narrow focus on one particular book i do feel sorry for them.

Happy to be proven wrong on anything but i do like to ask all the questions, to see things from all angles and that can make it hard.

G'day Manlyfan,

Grab a coffee...I feel like typing...hahaha!!

Mate, right from the get go...I like myself the way I am. I like a laugh, a drink, a naughty and I don't mind a blue. A lot of Christians, atheists, agnostics and other religious people are the same. That's what digging around really opened my eyes to. It's all mirrors. Everyone mirrors everyone (if that makes sense) The whole show here (life) is a parody.

Atheists go about their business with the same fervour and bullheadedness that the religious folk do. Human rights activists go just as hard in the efforts to right the wrongs committed as the committers of the wrongs do. Law enforcement battles crime and drugs just as hard as the criminals fight back.

It goes around and around in every aspect of life. Cause and effect. Who stamps out who? What is right? What is truth? It's all subjective. Christians will argue the point of subjective truth and claim there are objective truths and moral absolutes. There is merit in that argument. Atheists mirror this by saying it all boils down to time, evolution and the need for the group/tribe to do the right thing by each other in order to ensure they not only survive, but thrive. Makes sense.

I didn't grow up anything remotely like a Christian (by a long, long way lol) I went to public school for the footy, fights and girls. I've never been to a church service and I see no sense in ever attending one. I've read Dawkins, Hitchens and Harris. I've read The Grand Design by Stephen hawking (Interesting side note; in this book Hawking announces that philosophy is dead and that science had killed it)

On the flip side...if I could...I'd recommend that you read The Irrational Atheist by Vox Day. That should be compulsory reading for ALL agnostics. Vox is a Christian, but this book is not about god or trying to convince or convert anyone. It's a systematic pull apart of the new atheists views and books using history and statistics. And he goes deep to the root of all the atheistic arguments. He is one Christian that takes people on and not only challenges their views and statements...but proves them wrong point by point. You will find answers and questions about historical "atrocities" in this book. If you are truly agnostic (which I think is the only true standpoint we can have...I now class myself as one) it's a must read. I think you can find the intro on youtube (robotic voice...cringe) This book is full...and I mean FULL of references to historical evidence that you can check for yourself. Heaps of it is secular evidence.

I've also read, I Am That by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. Very interesting (if a little difficult at first) read. When you weigh it up with quantum physics it's even more interesting. Then again...if you weigh Jesus and his teachings up with quantum physics it's very interesting. Was he in India for those missing years between 12 and 30??

Christians, I've found, get defensive because of the snideness that comes with how questions are put to them. I reckon they view this...and how couldn't the questioner assuming they are more intelligent. Childish stuff to get a bite like...Christians believe the earth is flat or that they believe neandertal weren't human. To read the bible (and you have, so you'll know) and come to the conclusion that they believe the earth is flat would be the same as saying pretty much everyone on earth today thinks the earth is flat. Why? Because of the speech we use..."People came from the four corners of the earth to watch the Olympics" and such. Also, christian scientists know full well that humans can't breed with they know through DNA that neandetal were fully human. Creationists believe they were the people of Noah's time.

To be truly or genuinely agnostic (which I view as very solid ground) you need to not only ask questions with respect...they need to not be preloaded with a countering belief. Then, when you get your answer, use unbiased techniques to research it. Any other approach is just wasting your time. To be truly are either an honest and unbiased searcher for the core reasons for any or all religions...or you need a "Who cares, I'll find out in the way or another". I strongly recommend including atheism in that search. Not just what the atheistic high church pastors put in their books for their followers to blindly believe, because it suits their world view...see?...mirrors again!...but the historical evidence that screams atheism is not a good idea if you want freedom and justice for all.

Good luck on your journey, mate. I can honestly tell you that...after making fun of the religious...then wondering if I was silly to do so...then investigating for the truth...then marrying up religion and science...I realised you have to be hard with yourself. Really, really hard. It's easy to fall into the trap of looking for evidence to support your theory or current worldview. It's harder...but more rewarding to look at the big picture with a calm, nonjudgmental mindset. Some people find their truth and never go back to their old ways. Some arrive where they started. Some shoot off in totally different directions altogether.

What I found is that the whole show is nothing but a mirror maze. I think everyone might just have their own truth...and therefore destiny...which is fine. Agnosticism leads me to question or search...not so much the spiritual side of things, but the material side of things.

Strangely...I remember a quote YOU made on this site once. You said something along the line of "The only truth is in history" I'm sure that wasn't it exactly...but that is what it meant. I think you are correct with that! What we know for sure is what has already happened. History! That's why I find atheism so unappealing. Sorry to all the atheists.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj would tell you that atheism is fine because atheism is true in the atheist's reality. Agnosticism is fine because agnosticism is true in the agnostic's reality. He believed it all to be....meh...because there is something else going on altogether that we don't get. I'll let you discover what he's talking about...if you want to investigate that. Or don't. That's fine!

As for me......I like myself the way I am. I like a laugh, a drink, a naughty and I don't mind a blue...although in truth...I'm probably getting a bit old for the latter. I'll still have a lash though lol. It's human nature @;)
As for me......I like myself the way I am. I like a laugh, a drink, a naughty and I don't mind a blue...although in truth...I'm probably getting a bit old for the latter. I'll still have a lash though lol. It's human nature @;)
I overheard you talking to MF so excuse me for piping up... but ... sounds like the question of whether or not there is a god (and if so which one) actually has zero impact on how you see things and live your life? Because for you it's all simply 'human nature'!
I overheard you talking to MF so excuse me for piping up... but ... sounds like the question of whether or not there is a god (and if so which one) actually has zero impact on how you see things and live your life? Because for you it's all simply 'human nature'!

G'day SER8,

I can have impact on the things around me. My wife and I donate time and money to charities. I can make steps to reduce a carbon footprint. I can help those that are less fortunate. I can buy local. I employ people. I help others find employment. I ask skinheads (we are getting more here everyday,,,sigh) why they choose to hate, and why they dishonour the Aussies that died in WW2 by proudly displaying their tattoos. Have you done that? It's an interesting encounter. There are countless ways to have a positive impact with your life.

On human nature ; What else can I a human? The dictionary defines human nature as the psychological and social qualities that characterize humankind, especially in contrast with other living things.

People are people. They believe what they believe through life experience. It doesn't necessarily mean their beliefs are right or wrong. Their beliefs are right for them. That's what's important to them. We can only really judge by what harm it does to others.

Being Zen and helping where and when you can is not a bad way to live...I believe.

If I want an answer to a is probably a much better place to look these days than a religious book. Probably shouldn't be surprised by that though.
On human nature ; What else can I a human? The dictionary defines human nature as the psychological and social qualities that characterize humankind, especially in contrast with other living things.
I've no doubt you impact things around you, including in many positive and helpful ways.
But as for human nature, let's forget the dictionary. There is no essential permanent human nature other than the nature of the various humans, past and present. Which is quite different from place to place and time to time.
The main relevance of pointing this out is that those who refer to human nature (not necessarily you) frequently do so in order to justify policies or actions. He had to burn his wife and kids, he was pushed too far and its only human nature! There'll always be rich and poor, it's only human nature.
It doesn't actually explain anything really, it's just an excuse not to look at actual reasons.
I've no doubt you impact things around you, including in many positive and helpful ways.
But as for human nature, let's forget the dictionary. There is no essential permanent human nature other than the nature of the various humans, past and present. Which is quite different from place to place and time to time.
The main relevance of pointing this out is that those who refer to human nature (not necessarily you) frequently do so in order to justify policies or actions. He had to burn his wife and kids, he was pushed too far and its only human nature! There'll always be rich and poor, it's only human nature.
It doesn't actually explain anything really, it's just an excuse not to look at actual reasons.

I agree that there are varying human natures, depending on the individual. Some individuals with charismatic personalities can cause great good, like say...Gandhi. Some individuals with charismatic personalities can cause horrific atrocities, like Hitler. However...did Gandhi do good for everyone? Were Hitler's actions bad for everyone, even away from the war room? Who is truly to say? How could we possibly know? But there will never be a time when all 7 billion people on the planet unite in harmony. It does not matter if that attempted union be under the flag of god/gods or under the threat of genocide.

It comes down to individual perception of reality. The perception of reality of a 17 year old aboriginal girl in central australia would be quite different to how Kim Kardashian views the world. Their worlds are different. Your perception of reality is not the same as Kim Jong-un's reality. Joel Osteen's perception of reality is not the same as that of Sam Harris. But who's perception is 100% right and who's is 100% wrong? Is there a 100% right and wrong?

Then there are the psychopathic, the drug addicted, the mentally ill, people with extreme personality disorders....

Remember the words to that old song...if you want to make world a better place, take a look at yourself, and make a change? Perhaps people should concentrate more on actually helping out in any small way they can, instead of just concentrating on all the negatives?

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