omnipotent beings discussion

Read a little better buddy. He should have kept his mouth shut and not bring undue scrutiny and publicity to his team, family, mates, club.

Here's a nice pic of the numbnut as the NRL's face of stupidity and danger.
Health Minister blasts anti-vaxxers: 'Just plain stupid and dangerous'

The person/persons in control of that part of their government are religious nuts.
The proven natural geologic formation is now classed as a national treasure. See...nuts!😛
Proven Lol
Proven Lol
Your right to challenge the word proven. Proven is not an absolute. It’s a condition of understanding between the person making an argument and the person hearing it. If the listener denies the evidence presented - no matter how compelling- than the argument is not proven.

Makes no difference anyway. As you pointed out the real miracle wasn’t a boat ride in the Middle East. The real miracle was in Australia where god raised the koalas from the dead. Rising from the dead - the primary miracle that proves divinity.

I thought about the koalas miracle of resurrection and then I thought about the miracle of the consumption of the poison gum leaves. I couldn’t live on gum leaves nor could you. Nor could any zebra or polar bear. But the blessed koala eats poison and flourishes.

I was always a little confused (feel free to seize on that word) about the Holy Spirit, but now I realise it’s our own fluffy eared spirit of the bush. The blessed koala.
But who's perception is 100% right and who's is 100% wrong? Is there a 100% right and wrong?
Not sure what you are getting at by asking this with regard to 'perception of reality'? If you are suggesting everyone's perception of reality is equally valid... no that's incorrect!

Perhaps people should concentrate more on actually helping out in any small way they can, instead of just concentrating on all the negatives?
Hmm, sounds like an argument for charities? Please sir, can you spare a piece of chewing gum for this house of cards? You can't spare a piece of gum? That's fine, I'd be grateful for some of your gelatinous mucous, that might help a little bit. (yuk)
My comment on this part would be to direct you to your word 'negatives'. The negative which we can help with 'in any small way' is to expose misinformation and ignorance, all it takes is speaking honestly - and listening in good faith.
The negative which we can help with 'in any small way' is to expose misinformation and ignorance, all it takes is speaking honestly - and listening in good faith.

To ponder ... please bear with me, I don't propose the following to be a true and accurate account ... just food for thought or discussion ....

I will leave out the political leanings of those conscerned ... but I was at a dinner in the early 70's and Al Grasby's multicultural vision was in full flight ... when one of the girls in attendance, who was an Arts student from memory ... related the fact that they are now being taught in Uni that there is no such thing as a bad culture .. only different cultures ....

Well of course as these things go ... anybody who had an opposing view or comment on multiculturalism or a particular culture was quickly brandished a racist and silenced ... and the new catch cry of don't be judgemental was born ... don't discriminate ....

(aside) ... a discerning gentleman used to be someone that took pains to be well informed and make good choices ... not anymore ...

So for the next 30 years the growth of ... everybody is entitled to an opinion, .. don't be judgemental, .. don't discriminate, .. everybody deserves respect etc .. has developed a generation lacking some of the critical thinking skills ... but all that was fine, because all the mad and dangerous numbnuts were sitting in their parents basement on their own ... just diddling themselves and causing no one any harm ..

But Alas .... enter the interwebby .... suddenly that numbnut discovers that there exists another numbnut of similar exotic views living in his parents attic in a town 5000 km away ... who then crates a facebook page with the help of another numbnut who continually disappoints her parents by saying she knows more that the teachers at school, and what will she ever need Maths for ..... and soon armagedeon ....

Their facebook page draws and attracts the disenfranchised and gullible out of parents basements everywhere ... and they never read a discenting post ... because they are quickly deleted by the original numbnut because he has evolved into disinformation genious ... terms like woke and sheeple and conspiracy abound ...

And here is the catch .... a whole generation of people have been educated to accept this nonsense, as to not do so, .. would be judgemental, or discerning, or disrespectful or rude ... we have been taught not to call bull**** out ... we have been taught to respect it ...

The world is being dumbed down by good intention ...
And here is the catch .... a whole generation of people have been educated to accept this nonsense, as to not do so, .. would be judgemental, or discerning, or disrespectful or rude ... we have been taught not to call bull**** out ... we have been taught to respect it ...
Lol, well that's not my experience. However possibly more useful to refer to some specific situation, rather than generality?
Otherwise it just sounds a bit like some old guy saying, 'why, back in my day....'
Your right to challenge the word proven. Proven is not an absolute. It’s a condition of understanding between the person making an argument and the person hearing it. If the listener denies the evidence presented - no matter how compelling- than the argument is not proven.

Makes no difference anyway. As you pointed out the real miracle wasn’t a boat ride in the Middle East. The real miracle was in Australia where god raised the koalas from the dead. Rising from the dead - the primary miracle that proves divinity.

I thought about the koalas miracle of resurrection and then I thought about the miracle of the consumption of the poison gum leaves. I couldn’t live on gum leaves nor could you. Nor could any zebra or polar bear. But the blessed koala eats poison and flourishes.

I was always a little confused (feel free to seize on that word) about the Holy Spirit, but now I realise it’s our own fluffy eared spirit of the bush. The blessed koala.
Wow i wrote 1 word and this is what i get. Ok i see your still upset about breathing in the fire of life and then breathing out trees. Is this your own religion you created? Im very curious to learn from from someone who's father is a dying STAR 🙂 what else do you do? Apart from breathing out trees and smoking weed what else can you do?

Koalas. You say i pointed out something, i never said a word about koalas your just a kid it seems. God is almighty did you ever think maybe he created them after? Maybe they were led to a cave that closed up. Im sure someone has answered that question at some stage.

Now... you never answered me! These monkeys that evolved into humans... so did only the elite monkeys turn into humans? If so what makes an elite monkey? Why arent monkeys turning into people anymore? How come people arent popping out of the bush? Can you tell me or maybe your father the dying star can tell me when was the last time a monkey evolved into a human being?

You claimed that you share.. i dunno what with every living creature and organism. Does this include the capybara? And the naked mole rat? Or even Didymosphenia? Can you explain for us how this works?proof please.. (seize on that word)
Keep going Biff ... you are on fire son ...
Well im not allowed so im asking
Thanks Woodsie you been trail blazing yourself lately. You gave Cioran a thumbs up when he said he breathes in the fire of life and breathes out trees.. so is this your belief system? Also are you offended by the kim jong wood title?
Sincerely yours
Just as an aside, I heard Neil deGrasse Tyson say that if an argument lasts more than 5 minutes, then ... both sides are wrong!
(Not sure why but it made me think of this thread, lol)
Hey mate,
Ill offer some things up. Like you a bit i believe that i am god. I do not believe there are any gods outside of my own body. Does that make my an Atheist? Yes and no.
I spent a few years getting into philosophy and that is the background i approach spirituality/ religon.
I grew up going to catholic schools AND have read the bible. Been to far too many church services. I have also read a few books on Atheism by the usual suspects ( how many churchies who put crap on atheists have really looked into atheism, agnosticism etc?)
I regualary read up on the electric universe, carl munck, Hinduism, Buddhism, different/ abstract philosophy and yes the odd conspiracy theory.
I have many questions for christians but they never get answered, or cant be answered and all too often christians dont act like the jesus of the bible ( some great examples on here as i know you know) when you question them, but people do feel threatened when you start digging into their beliefs.

I really dont care that people get into religon but if their personal growth is inhibited by dogma or a narrow focus on one particular book i do feel sorry for them.

Happy to be proven wrong on anything but i do like to ask all the questions, to see things from all angles and that can make it hard.
Some great examples on here... Im assuming me since im the only God fearing person on here who defends his beliefs. I love the whole not acting like Jesus line its just classic atheist propaganda. Didn't Jesus call the Jews the sons of vipers? Did i call you that? No! Even though you come on here along with many others mocking something beautiful that you have no clue about whatsoever! Why arent you acting like a human being? You do know Christians are the most charitable people in the world. Look how much joy children have at Christmas or Easter.. Christianity is about helping others. As you so eloquently pointed out above you are a god and only care about yourself. You see the atheist only thinks inward.. like the sith. Christians think outwardly like a Jedi. Last 100 years i think it was 70% noble prize winners are Christians.
Atheist was under 3%
I never bring up religion i only defend it. Alot of bigotry on this site. Even though its less now it always rears its ugly head.

Ps maybe you can help me out... did all the apes evole into humans? If not was it only the elite apes? If so how does an ape become an elite ape? And do these elite apes still evolve into humans ? Please can you tell me when the last ape become a human being.
Sincerely yours
Well im not allowed so im asking
Thanks Woodsie you been trail blazing yourself lately. You gave Cioran a thumbs up when he said he breathes in the fire of life and breathes out trees.. so is this your belief system? Also are you offended by the kim jong wood title?
Sincerely yours

Yes, you may recall some time ago I tried to educate you and said that every molecule and atom on Earth was once part of star that has gone nova .... but you laughed then as you laugh now ....

.. and no ... call me what you like ... just don't bleat like a wee bairn like Kevvy does when you get it back ....
Not sure what you are getting at by asking this with regard to 'perception of reality'? If you are suggesting everyone's perception of reality is equally valid... no that's incorrect!

Hmm, sounds like an argument for charities? Please sir, can you spare a piece of chewing gum for this house of cards? You can't spare a piece of gum? That's fine, I'd be grateful for some of your gelatinous mucous, that might help a little bit. (yuk)
My comment on this part would be to direct you to your word 'negatives'. The negative which we can help with 'in any small way' is to expose misinformation and ignorance, all it takes is speaking honestly - and listening in good faith.

Perception does not equal reality. But perception can become a person’s reality because perception has a potent influence on how we look at reality. If this thread has shown's this! lol

Perception influences how we focus on, think about, remember, interpret, understand, decide about, and act on reality. In doing so, people tend to assume that how they perceive reality is an accurate representation of what reality truly is.

The obvious problem with this is that perceptions are usually warped in the first place by our genetic predispositions, past experiences, prior knowledge, emotions, preconceived notions, self-interest, and cognitive distortions.

When dealing with our own thinking...or when we are dealing with another person and their perception of reality (thinking) it's important to not assume that your perceptions are reality (just your reality).

Don’t hold your perceptions too tightly...they may be wrong. (admitting it takes courage)

Recognise the distortions within you that may warp your perceptions. (seeing them will better ground your perceptions in reality rather than the other way around).

Challenge your perceptions. (do they hold up under the microscope of reality?)

Be open to modifying your perceptions if the preponderance of evidence demands it. (rigidity of mind is far worse than being wrong) everyone totally ignore that advice, point fingers or raise an argument against it so they can stick solid to their own "perception" of reality. lol
Perception does not equal reality. But perception can become a person’s reality because perception has a potent influence on how we look at reality. If this thread has shown's this! lol

Perception influences how we focus on, think about, remember, interpret, understand, decide about, and act on reality. In doing so, people tend to assume that how they perceive reality is an accurate representation of what reality truly is.

The obvious problem with this is that perceptions are usually warped in the first place by our genetic predispositions, past experiences, prior knowledge, emotions, preconceived notions, self-interest, and cognitive distortions.

When dealing with our own thinking...or when we are dealing with another person and their perception of reality (thinking) it's important to not assume that your perceptions are reality (just your reality).

Don’t hold your perceptions too tightly...they may be wrong. (admitting it takes courage)

Recognise the distortions within you that may warp your perceptions. (seeing them will better ground your perceptions in reality rather than the other way around).

Challenge your perceptions. (do they hold up under the microscope of reality?)

Be open to modifying your perceptions if the preponderance of evidence demands it. (rigidity of mind is far worse than being wrong) everyone totally ignore that advice, point fingers or raise an argument against it so they can stick solid to their own "perception" of reality. lol

Sooooooooo ... are you saying she might have been right ... lying on the couch in my undies may NOT have been doing something .... damn ... bugger her reality !!
Yes, you may recall some time ago I tried to educate you and said that every molecule and atom on Earth was once part of star that has gone nova .... but you laughed then as you laugh now ....

.. and no ... call me what you like ... just don't bleat like a wee bairn like Kevvy does when you get it back ....
So you mock religions but believe in this dying star breathing trees etc what the heck Woodsie. Im actually stunned! How can you mock us when you believe in that.. wow wow wow wow wow!
Whats bleat like a wee bairn mean? and get what back you didn't respond to me after a kim jonged you for some reason.
Has this dying star thingy been proven or is it another theory?
Sincerely yours
Whats more believable..
That we are created by an Almighty God created in his image and given the earth and all its creatures to rule over.


(Correct me if i have got this wrong at all)
We are part of an undying star and we breathe in the fire of life and breathe out TREES.. and that we are related to every animal insect plant algae fungi etc and we take the world into our body with every mouth full of food and our bodies are swarming with microorganisms.
Some great examples on here... Im assuming me since im the only God fearing person on here who defends his beliefs. I love the whole not acting like Jesus line its just classic atheist propaganda. Didn't Jesus call the Jews the sons of vipers? Did i call you that? No! Even though you come on here along with many others mocking something beautiful that you have no clue about whatsoever! Why arent you acting like a human being? You do know Christians are the most charitable people in the world. Look how much joy children have at Christmas or Easter.. Christianity is about helping others. As you so eloquently pointed out above you are a god and only care about yourself. You see the atheist only thinks inward.. like the sith. Christians think outwardly like a Jedi. Last 100 years i think it was 70% noble prize winners are Christians.
Atheist was under 3%
I never bring up religion i only defend it. Alot of bigotry on this site. Even though its less now it always rears its ugly head.

Ps maybe you can help me out... did all the apes evole into humans? If not was it only the elite apes? If so how does an ape become an elite ape? And do these elite apes still evolve into humans ? Please can you tell me when the last ape become a human being.
Sincerely yours

I dont say the following lightly.

I read the post you wrote then deleted calling my mother a whore in Arabic.
Took a screenshot. If i didnt care for Dan and this site you would be in court by now.
Ill put it down to youth and naivety. You will do well to avoid my posts from now on.

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