Please do? It’s not just from that one guy, but from many various individuals.My general experience of people who write/say I should write/say something to disprove this as nonsensical garbage but don’t, is due to the fact they can’t. I posted the guy above because he explains it in very simple terms. So you should be able to debunk him in equally simple terms
@MuzztheEagle old mate. But you will probably have to consult with one of those really smart guys who will explain it like this.
View attachment 14342
He uses the definition of universe existing as Time, Space and Matter - scientifically this refers to the universe as it exists in its current state. Note: It is not accepted that the universe came into being from the big bang - but it's current state. Scientists don't know what came before the big bang as our current laws of the universe break down....but that's not to say nothing came before it)
He uses another definition of the universe. Essentially, the universe is everything that has and will always exist.
But the two are not equivalent (unless you can prove that the universe did come into existence with the big bang....and as I have said to you in the past; this is not a claim made by (the overwhelming majority) of physicists (it's always easy to find one or two nutters). So efforts to show how the breakdown of time and space (in the universes current state) lead to
a creator are, pointless. It's a basic
equivocation error:
The next is
special pleading, I.e the universe must have been created but because God doesn't exist within those rules (which I just applied to everything else) he is therefor exempt from them. And because he is exempt from them he is God....blah blah blah cue circular logic.
It's essentially the first cause/cosmological argument it has been broken down for a very long time now. is the big thing about the whole argument: I DON'T CARE, nor should anyone else. If there was a/multiple creator/s for the universe (and I don't believe there wasn't one, I just don't believe in one as there is no evidence to suggest it) then what can we possibly know about it's motives for doing so or our purpose (if we have one) on Earth. I don't care if someone wants to take on this idea for the sake of comfort, it's when people start to assume intentions of such an entity that we run into trouble. "God cretated the universe and:"
"he hates fags"
"beat/murder your children"
"bomb the infidels"
"enslave the blacks"
"women are the lesser"
etc etc etc....
There is nothing in this argument that gives any legitimacy to any specific religion. So we are still back at:
"God tells me that we should ALL do this"
"Why? Where is your evidence"
"I don't need evidence I have faith!!!"
"that's what those(other religious) guys said....and they think you're wrong.....maybe you should just keep your faith to yourself then....they're a lot bigger/angrier than you!!!