It's a bit like trying to discuss quantum mechanics with someone who doesn't have any respect for science. You can do it, but at the outset you know how much time and effort it will take to slowly pick at the seams of an entire worldview just so you can get to the point of establishing some fundamentals that will eventually after many many sessions finally lead to a good understanding.To @Kevinward777 , @eaglebuzz and any other religious person wanting to push the validity of their belief:
The argument appears to go like this:
I ask a difficult question around religion which is answered with: Well that's because you don't know/understand God?
I ask how that can happen I get: You need to embrace god. It's a personal journey.
I then say that that doesn't really mean anything to me so ask for some personal experiences and I get: Well it's a long story over many years and I don't really think I could put it on paper etc etc. or worse, you just need to trust in God.
The thing is; that conversation happens all the time...with con men. Just trust me, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity, just commit and you will believe to.
If it WAS there I would be happy to believe, but I'm yet to find anything of any substance. And I have looked - I had somewhat of a religious upbringing, my partner works for a religious organisation, I have religious friends and I have spent enough time in churches and discussing with ministers and the like. Am I broken? Unworthy of God's love? Or have I just missed something obvious? Please enlighten me. How did you get to really know God?
And if God's love is so universal why is it so hard for any of you to explain?
It's not TOO hard, but it it is hard. I pipe up from time to time because the casual dismissal of religion I encounter frequently on here is so clearly ignorant that I can't not say something. But this forum post format is not a good one for the kinds of discussions you seem to be wanting to have.