First Grader
I would prefer Folau and Ian Roberts locked in a cage to discuss Folau's views on gay peopleWould love to see every openly gay and proudly atheist person in Australia donate to Izzy and clearly state that on their donation pledge, and also state that they have no intention of repenting. Let's see how he deals with the conflict of accepting money from those willingly and unapologetically "living in sin" as he calls it. My bet is that he'd take the cash without blinking an eye.
Does anyone know what made Israel change from being a Mormon to a Pentecostal Christian ?? What assurances has he given to his church going congregation that he won't have a similar change of heart in the future - other than his word, which has already proven to be not worth much when it comes to his choice of religious beliefs.
It would be Roberts Garry Jack moment again
Folau's most offensive comment so far is that he said that he is in the fight of his life Does he have cancer? No Does he have a disease and cannot afford a life saving operation? No
He should do the right thing and donate his go fund me money to people who actually need it to survive