[quote author=Matabele]
Oh and there was also that twit that was making death threats to me before I bought my wife and 3 boys for their first ever trip to Brookvale for the Cowboys game last year.
Thankfully he was all talk and no action.
death threats, you have got to be kidding me!!!! FFS we are talking about football. More important things in life as dan said. Whoever that was is one sad, sad individual.
Hillbilly you said things were too negative here, whats the problem with that? You dont have to agree with everyone, or is everything meant to be sunshine and lollipops? If people want to be negative so be it, if people want to be positive and think everything is rosy so be it. Being either does not make anyone less of supporter.
death threats are not on
as i said in my post that was only my opinion,i have no problem if people want to be overly negative that is their perogative......but i do not want to read it ,and that is why i did not post at or read the early AE.....but as i said the ST site is more balanced which is great
mate i have always been a the glass is half full type of person,but can also see that the glass is half empty,maybe i get over analytical but when i see that the glass is half empty i try to see the reasons why
that is why Mata and i had a mild stoush over at LU over Monnas,because i can see the possible reasons why his form dropped,the same as kings form i can see the possible reasons why his form dropped off last year...i am not saying i am right and that is the end of it..but it is my opinion (please lets not bring these two things up again as they have been done to death),that is why when it gets to a point where we are going around in circles i will always agree to disagree and move on
mate wether you are Sidey,Mata,aj,me or you wether you are overly negative or overly positive it does not worry me.....so long as you wear your Manly Heart on your sleeve that is the main thing.....i might be a cheap footy tart ,but i will drink with anybody