Listening to basic "medical advice" is not "education" it is merely trusting other "educated" people to help make the decision process less complicated without the need to put in the hard yards yourself.
What right for starters should a vaccine be mandated when it was still in the emergency use approval stage, people had the right during this stage to be hesitant to take the jab surely and not be forced into a decision.(i know it is not mandated i'm saying it should never be mandated or forced on people in this stage at least, yet many felt forced)
The gradual release of info in relation to the vaccine approval process and the way the vaccine works makes me trust govt less and less each day.
Also why should it be mandated for the use of a QR code app if you own a smart phone, i have no issue signing in to places with pen and paper. You might ask what is the difference and that a paper trail is less secure, well i would fear digital constant Govt surveilance that has the power to control a population over companies merely just profiteering over my shopping habits any day of the week.
I'm not suggesting presently Govts are using the app for surveilance, i am saying we make it easier in the future to introduce such measures by being so compliant now---maybe the QR code app will be mandatory on every new phone purchase and can't be uninstalled in the future.(which will also mean having a mobile will be compulsory---i have no intention to own or use a phone once i stop work)